A high-pitched whistle started Neptune and Nepgear awake. Nepgear groaned loudly, as she rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself up. Neptune on the other hand continued to lie perfectly still. Her eyes were partially open. For a moment, Neptune forgot where she was.
“Aw… Nepgear?” Neptune began, looking at her sister who’s eyes were partially opened as well. “Did you crawl into bed with me? It’s been a while since you’ve done that.” Neptune said.
“Huh? No. We shared a bed last night, remember?” Said Nepgear, half asleep.
“Oh! That’s right!” Neptune said, taking a deep breath. “Sorry about that favorite little sister of mine. I completely forgot about that.” Neptune said up in bed. Neptune suddenly yawned and stretched her hands high over her head. “I don’t know about you, but I had a dream that we were back in Planeptune. We were hanging out with IF and Compa, then something bad happened.”
“Something bad?” Nepgear asked. “Let me guess. They outlawed pudding or something?”
Neptune rubbed the side of her head. “Did they? No. I don’t think that was it.” Said Neptune. “It was something else, but I can’t remember. Weird dream.” Neptune sleepily looked at Nepgear who was now sitting on the bed opposite of hers and was pulling on her shoes. “How did you sleep Nepgear?”
“Pretty good. I slept all night.” Nepgear said, sighing deeply. “Now there’s no time to check out the train.”
“Why not?” Asked Neptune.
Neptune’s question was quickly answered when she noticed someone was looking through the window of their train car. “Crackers!” Neptune said, pulling the covers up past her chest even though she was fully clothed. “Get out of here you cootie bag!” Neptune cried.
“I don’t think they can see inside or hear us.” Nepgear said.
“Still. It’s the thought that counts and my thoughts are creeping me out right now!” Neptune declared, as she threw off her blankets and grabbed her shoes. Neptune slid a cover over the window before she slid her feet into her shoes.
Nepgear stood and stretched her hands over her head. “Are you ready to go big sis?” Nepgear asked.
“One second.” Neptune said, as she made her way over to the refrigerator and grabbed a couple bottles of water. “For the road, okay?”
Nepgear wanted to argue, but changed her mind. “Alright. Thanks!” She said, taking a bottle from her sister. After that Neptune and Nepgear stepped out of the train and into the morning air. “Hello everyone!” Neptune cheered. Neptune’s smile vanished almost immediately. The town looked completely empty.
“Hey… Where is everyone?” Asked Nepgear.
“Why there was a weirdo right over… there?” Neptune pointed to their car’s window was, but they were now gone. The entire platform the girls stood on was empty of life except for them. “Hey Nepgear? Do you believe in ghosts?”
“Th-that wasn’t a ghost Neptune.” Nepgear said, her voice shook in her throat a little.
“Uh-huh. You sure?” Neptune said, tilting her head slightly to the right.
Nepgear ignored her sisters question before she turned her eyes back to the town. The town was much larger than the last one they were in. However, this town looked completely empty. “Where is everyone?” Nepgear wondered, aloud.
“HELLO!?” Neptune shouted, as she cupped her hands around her mouth. “IS ANYONE OUT HERE?!”
Neptune’s voice echoed through the town, but no one returned her call. “This is so weird!” Neptune said, placing her hands high on her hips. “Well… That stinks. I guess we should just keep on going.”
“I guess so.” Nepgear said. “Still. If this town was abandoned, who was looking into the train car just a moment ago?”
Neptune felt a shiver run down her spine. “Forget it, forgot it, let’s go!” Neptune said, leading the charge off the train platform. Nepgear followed closely behind her sister. Once they reached the bottom step of the platform, they heard the train doors behind them close, a loud whistle and then the train started moving back down the tracks. Soon the train had disappeared somewhere in the distance.
“Well were stuck here.” Nepgear said.
“Yep.” Neptune said, nervously. “I don’t know about you Nepgear, but I suddenly feel like running!”
“Me too!” Nepgear said.
Neptune and Nepgear were about to start running, but stopped when they spotted a figure appear in the road ahead of them. Even though the girls were certain they had never seen monsters like them before, they knew exactly what kinds of creatures stood in front of them. High Lizard and Promise Ring. Dozens of them.
Neptune and Nepgear summoned their weapons. “I think I can guess where the towns people went.” Neptune said, aiming the tip of her katana at the creatures.
“I hope you’re wrong.” Nepgear said, in a small voice.
The High Lizards’ and Promise Rings’ started charging at the two girls with incredible speeds. Neptune and Nepgear prepared themselves for a fight, but before they could do anything they heard the sound of footfalls behind them.
“Watch out!” Came a voice.
Neptune and Nepgear turned in time to see a small figure leap over them. Suddenly the figure summoned a large hammer that looked like an enormous toy. The figure smashed through the high lizards’ and promise rings’, sending them flying back. The creatures slammed into the ground and against the surrounding buildings.
The figure landed gracefully in front of Neptune and Nepgear. The figure smiled brightly and saluted. “I see the train dropped off two wifeys for me!”
“Wifeys?” Nepgear said, shocked.
“Uh… I’m not ready to tie the knot just yet.” Neptune said, scratching the back of her head.
The figure that stood before them was a red haired girl. The girl ran up to Neptune and Nepgear. “Sorry ladies, no time to chat. Do you mind following me?” She asked.
“Who are you?” Neptune asked, confused by everything that was going on.
“My name is Red!” The girl said, saluting once more. “I’ll explain everything later, but we have to start running now!”
Neptune and Nepgear wanted to grill the girl for more information, but soon realized that would be impossible. Dozens more high lizards’ and promise rings’ had appeared and were now flying after them.
“We better run Neptune!” Nepgear said.
“Lead the way Red.” Said Neptune.
Neptune and Nepgear followed Red as the girl led them down several long alleyways and even through several buildings. Soon the girls ran into a forth building and closed the door behind them.
“There. I think we lost them.” Said Red. Red’s eyes got wide as she started looking Neptune and Nepgear over. “Wow! I picked up some hot wifeys today!”
“I’m no ones wifey.” Neptune said.
“Sorry, but I’m going to have to decline as well.” Nepgear said, laughing nervously.
“You… Don’t want to be my wifey?” Red asked, her eyes moistened with tears.
“That’s right. You’re going to have to put a ring on-” Neptune began, but Nepgear interrupted her.
“Never min that Red. Could you tell us what’s going on here?” Asked Nepgear.
“Oh yeah! Sure!” Said Red, perking up almost immediately. “A while ago several strong looking monsters appeared in our town. The towns people ran for the hills and I’ve been left behind to kill the monsters.”
“That’s it?” Nepgear asked.
“It’s weird, right? Monsters like these usually hangout in ruins, but these were driven right into town.” Said Red.
“That is weird.” Said Nepgear, scratching her chin thoughtfully. “What should we do Neptune?”
“I guess beat some monsters up?” Neptune offered.
“I appreciate that, but these monsters are pretty strong.” Said Red.
“Interesting…” Nepgear said, glancing up at the ceiling. “Red… Have you ever heard of something called a Fairy Tower?”
“Fairy Tower? I don’t think so.” Said Red, shaking her head.
“There’s a Fairy Tower really close by. You can actually increase your strength if you use it.” Said Nepgear.
“Uh… Nepgear?” Neptune began. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You know? Telling people about the Fairy Tower?”
“I do.” Said Nepgear. “Remember what MAGES. Told us? We need to tell more people about the Fairy Tower.”
“Yeah… She did say that didn’t she?” Neptune asked. “Anyways Red. Like my brainy little sister said. You can get stronger by using the Fairy Tower, but only if you kill monsters and take the share energy you get from killing them.”
“I played a game like that. It was called Dark-” Red began, but Neptune cut her off.
“Nope! It’s an original idea!” Neptune said, giggling nervously. “Anyways, we’ll deal with the monsters in this town. Maybe you’ll earn some share energy by helping us?”
“That could work.” Said Nepgear.
“I’ll help!” Red said, holding up her giant toy hammer.
“You ready Nepgear?” Neptune asked.
Nepgear nodded. “Yep! I’m all rested up and ready to go!”
“Great!” Neptune said, happily. “Let’s go brutally murder some monsters!”
Neptune, Nepgear and Red stepped outside. Their smiled vanished instantly when they saw that the house they were hiding in had been completely surrounded by high lizards’ and promise rings’. The high lizards’ licked their maws hungrily while the promise rings’ hovered above the ground and giggled like imps.
“I think they heard us.” Nepgear said.
Neptune sighed deeply. “Nothing else to do!” Neptune turned to Red. “Red? I want you to hit and run. Let Nepgear and I take care of the rest, okay?”
“Right!” Red said, holding up her hammer.
“Nepgear? Follow me!” Neptune said, as she led the charge at the monsters.
One of the high lizards’ rushed forwards and lifted it’s axe high over its head before bringing it down fast. Neptune held up her sword just in time to block the first attack. While Neptune and the high lizard faced off, Nepgear leapt high into the air and brought her energy sword down on the creatures head. With a bright flash the monster vanished.
“That’s my little sister! You kill monsters better than the rest!” Neptune said.
Nepgear blushed heavily.
Red watched in amazement as Neptune and Nepgear started taking out monster after monster effortlessly. Their teamwork almost brought a tear to Red’s eye.
Red leaned her hammer against her body, slapped her cheeks and then started fighting the monsters herself. Considering how weak Red was, the only thing the girl could do was swing her toy hammer around wildly. Her hammer smacked into the monsters causing them to fall backwards.
“Too bad I can’t actually kill any of these monsters.” Red thought, sadly.
One of the high lizards’ lifted its shield and blocked Red’s attack. After that, two more high lizards’ flew at Red and swung their axes. Red’s eyes went wide with terror, but before the creatures could cut her down, Neptune and Nepgear leapt in front of her and kicked the creatures hard in the chest, sending them reeling backwards.
“Thanks!” Said Red, welling with joy. “I knew I spotted some quality wifeys!”
“Ugh!” Neptune grunted, before she leapt at another swatch of monsters and cut them down.
Nepgear merely giggled as she sliced through a promise ring, killing it with a single strike.
As the fight waged on, the amount of monsters that attacked the girls lessened and lessened, until no more remained.
“I think that’s it.” Nepgear said, lowering her energy sword.
“We did it Nepgear!” Neptune said, holding out her hand.
“Yep!” Nepgear said, giving her sister a high-five.
“Come on Red!” Neptune said, holding out her hand for Red to slap it next.
“Thanks.” Red said, her enthusiasm had vanished. “But I didn’t really do anything.”
Neptune shook her head. “Oh please! Give me a high-five!”
Red sighed a little, but happily returned Neptune’s gesture. “Seriously Red. You didn’t give up even though you couldn’t kill any of the monsters. I admire that.” Nepgear said. “Besides, you’ve been trying to take back this town for a while, right?”
“Weeks.” Said Red.
“That’s admirable!” Nepgear said.
“But you need to get stronger.” Neptune said.
“Neptune!” Nepgear said, angrily at her sister.
“You’re right!” Said Red. “Could you tell me more about these Fairy Towers?”
Nepgear looked from Neptune, to Red and back to Neptune. Neptune wore a large smile on her face. “I guess my sister wasn’t trying to be mean after all.” Thought Nepgear. Nepgear took a deep breath, when she exhaled it she pulled out her N-Gear. “Sure. Let me tell you about the one near Planeptune.”
Nepgear told Red everything she needed to know about the Fairy Towers. She told her about how she can use them to get stronger, about share energy and about Histoire. “Histoire will help you if you have any questions. Just ask her.”
“Thanks!” Said Red.
“I’m glad we could take care of all this, but what about the people who lived in this village? Also why did they leave you behind?” Nepgear asked.
“Well…” Red began. “They probably spread out to the surrounding towns in hopes of finding help. Also they didn’t necessarily leave me behind. I stayed behind because I wanted to get rid of the monsters.”
“Oh… Cool.” Said Neptune.
“Thanks! I knew staying behind would impress any potential wifeys.” Red said, giggling. “Anyways, I’m going to Planeptune now!”
“Yeah, but how are you going to get there?” Neptune asked. “MAGES. Magic pudding train just left the station, remember?”
“That’s true…” Said Nepgear.
“Don’t worry! I remember how the train works. I’ll just follow the railroad tracks and hop on when it stops for me!” Said Red.
“Wait… The train stops for people?” Nepgear asked. “And this is all automatic?”
“Yeah! Cool, huh?” Asked Red.
“Cool indeed! Aw… Now I really wish I got up early and looked it over!” Nepgear said, as she started to pout.
“That’s my tech savvy sister for you.” Neptune said. “Anyways Red. We’ll see you later, okay?”
“Right!” Said Red. “Oh wait!” Red lightly smacked the side of her head. “I just remembered something! Can I see your map again?”
Nepgear held out her N-Gear for Red to look over. “You see this spot right here?” Red asked, pointing to a spot on the map. Nepgear looked the spot over, but it didn’t look very special. “Well if you go here, you’ll find a house where two of my other wifeys are living! If you tell them I sent you, they’ll help you out!”
“Thanks!” Nepgear said.
“You’re welcome!” Said Red, happily. “Well then! I’ll see you two later!” Neptune and Nepgear turned to leave. “Oh yeah!” Red shouted at them. The Nep’s looked back at Red who was waving her hands wildly over her head. “The next time we meet, I’m seriously going to make you two my wifeys as well!”
Neptune narrowed her eyes at Red. “RING FIRST!” She shouted back.
Red giggled as she started making her way to the train station. “Well. We wrapped that up faster than I thought we would.” Nepgear admitted.
“Yeah. Good point.” Neptune said. “So do you want to meet Red’s wifeys next or not?”
Nepgear giggled. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Their home is really close to the last Fairy Tower.”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 17
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
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