Neptune and Nepgear made their way to the spot that Red pointed out on the map. When they finally arrived, the girls were surprised to find a small cabin located near a large pond. The cabin looked cute and quaint and a dock was located next to the pond. “This is pretty nice.” Nepgear said, glancing around. “Do you really think the people living here are going to help us?”
“Who knows.” Neptune said, shrugging her shoulders. “I feel pretty good right now. We don’t really have to stop if you don’t want to.”
Nepgear’s lower jaw dropped in awe. “Neptune? Are you really okay?” She asked.
“Geesh! The first time I’m willing to keep going and you give me that look!” Neptune said, crossing her arms in front of her chest and puffing out her cheeks. “Sometimes I don’t know what I’m going to do with you little sister.”
Nepgear giggled. “Sorry Neptune. You just caught me off guard.”
“Uh-huh…” Neptune said, playfully bumping her shoulder into Nepgear. “Come on. Let’s say hi.” And with that, Neptune led Nepgear to the front door of the cabin. Before the girls could know though, they heard someone talking near the dock.
“Okay… I think I got everything.” The voice said.
“Oooh! I think our new friend is around back.” Neptune said. Nepgear nodded in agreement and followed her sister around back. Standing on the dock was a beautiful red haired girl who had her back to them. Neptune’s eyes instantly fell on the sheath sword on the girls’ back. “Hello?” Neptune said, in a small voice.
The girl turned quickly, her hand reached for her sword, but stopped when she spotted who was talking to her. “Oh? Who are you?” The girl asked.
“Neptune and Nepgear.” Neptune said, pointing at herself and her sister. “Your wifey Red sent us. Said you could help us out?”
The girl giggled. “My wifey, huh? How’s Red doing anyways?”
“She’s fine now. We helped her get rid of the monsters that attacked her city.” Nepgear said.
The girl’s smile instantly vanished. “Monsters? Are you serious? Is everyone okay?” The girl asked, taking several steps towards Neptune and Nepgear.
“She’s fine! Honest!” Neptune said. “As for everyone else. Red told us they fled to get help. They must have forgotten where they lived though, cause that was weeks ago.”
The red haired girl placed her hands on her hips and sighed deeply. “Oh man… I feel bad. I should have known something was up when Red hadn’t visited in a while. To be honest though.” The girl blushed a little. “I thought she found a new ‘wifey’ to get involved with.”
“Were you two serious?” Neptune asked, smiling mischievously. “Sorry, but were her wifeys now.”
The red haired girl laughed. “It’s fine.” The red haired girl took a deep breath, after she let it out she said, “by the way. My names Falcom. It’s nice to meet you both!”
“Nice to meet you too.” Said Nepgear.
“Yo!” Said Neptune, saluting.
Neptune and Nepgear made their way over to Falcom. Falcom’s eyes instantly turned to Nepgear. Falcom furrowed her eyes and slowly shook her head. “Hey. I know she’s a looker, but I’m not really ready to marry my little sister off.” Neptune said, taking Nepgear by the hand.
“No. It’s not that.” Falcom said. “It’s weird, but your sister looks a lot like my friend.”
Just as the words left Falcom’s lips, the girls heard the sound of a door opening and closing, followed by the sounds of footsteps. “Falcom? I have the tackle box.” Said a familiar voice.
Neptune and Nepgear turned and spotted a beautiful girl who looked a lot like Nepgear. “Hi Purple Sister!” Falcom said.
“Oh…” Purple Sister said, halting in her tracks. Purple Sister looked from Falcom, to Neptune to Nepgear. Tears suddenly welled up in her eyes and the girl collapsed to her knees. Purple Sister hugged a blue tackle box close to her chest. “I’m… So sorry…” Purple Sister sobbed.
“Whoa! Leaky pipes!” Neptune said, surprised.
“Sorry about this.” Falcom said, walking briskly past the Nep’s and going to her knees next to Purple Sister. “She’s really depressed. This happens sometimes.” Falcom began rubbing Purple Sister’s back gently.
“It’s okay.” Nepgear said, looking Purple Sister over. “Um… Neptune? Doesn’t the name Purple Sister sound familiar to you?” Asked Nepgear, trying to remember where she had heard the name before.
“Now that you mention it. No.” Neptune said, shaking her head. “Oh wait! Purple Heart!”
“That’s right!” Nepgear said.
“Purple Heart? The CPU of Planeptune?” Asked Falcom.
“Yeah! She said that her sister is missing.” Neptune said, trying to remember everything Purple Heart had told them.
Falcom’s eyes went wide and a large smile appeared on her face. “Did you hear that Purple Sister? We might know something about you!” Falcom siad.
“Yes… But…” Purple Heart said, as more tears trickled down her cheeks.
Neptune shifted uncomfortably where she stood. Normally she would crack a few jokes in order to lighten the mood, but something about Purple Heart’s tears kept her from doing that. Instead she laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head. “You know Nepgear. We should probably go and wait somewhere while Purple Sister calms down.”
“Yeah.” Nepgear said.
“Oh! Please don’t go too far.” Falcom said.
“We won’t.” Nepgear said.
“Thanks!” Falcom said. “You two can wait inside if you want. We’ll be there in a moment.”
Neptune and Nepgear did as they were asked and headed into Falcom’s cabin. The cabin was rather small. Two beds were located near the far side of the room, a table was located in the middle of the room and a small kitchen was located on the right side of the room. “This is cozy.” Nepgear said, taking a seat at the table. “It kind of reminds me of our home.”
“Yeah.” Neptune said. “You’re not feeling too homesick are you?”
Nepgear shrugged her shoulders. “I would be lying if I said no. I do miss our home and our friends, but I know this is important.”
Neptune took a seat at the table. “Yeah, but I’m with you sister. I miss our house, pudding, friends, pudding and pudding.”
Nepgear giggled. “You always know how to cheer me up.”
The door of the cabin opened and Purple Sister, closely followed by Falcom, stepped inside. “I’m sorry about before.” Purple Sister said, the girl was still holding the tackle box.
“It’s alright.” Nepgear said, quickly standing.
“So you two are Red’s wifeys, huh?” Neptune asked.
Purple Sister blushed a little and nodded. “When Red told me I was her wifey. It made me really happy.” She said.
“Oh?” Nepgear said, blushing a little herself.
Falcom giggled. “Purple Sister loves it when people are nice to her.” She said.
“Cool! We’ll be nice Purple Sister.” Neptune said. “But you have to tell us what’s going on.”
Purple Sister nodded. “I… I don’t remember anything. It feels like I’m missing something, but I can’t remember what it is and sometimes I feel like my heart is breaking for no reason at all.” She began. “I do remember waking up in the middle of nowhere. I couldn’t remember how I got there, who I was, or why I was even there. All I could remember was my name.”
“Amnesia? That’s completely original.” Neptune said, in a small voice.
“I actually found Purple Sister a little while after that.” Falcom said. “We’ve been living together ever since.” Falcom explained. “I’ve been trying to help Purple Sister remember anything, but it’s like the memories just aren’t there anymore.”
“That’s horrible.” Nepgear said.
“Yes.” Purple Sister said, as tears started trickling down her cheeks. “It’s like… I’m supposed to remember something very important… but I can’t…”
Falcom began rubbing Purple Sister’s back once more. “That’s why she’s so depressed.” Falcom said.
Neptune and Nepgear exchanged glances. “Sorry if were making you cry.” Neptune said. “As a big sister I hate seeing Nepgear cry and I also hate it when girls that look like Nepgear cry as well. Big sister fail if I can’t make you smile.”
“No…” Purple Sister said, shaking her head. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know!” Nepgear said, a bright smile appeared on her face. “How would you like to be friends with us?”
“Yeah! I’d love to be friends with a cutie like you!” Neptune said. “Of course I want to be friends with Falcom as well.”
Falcom laughed. “That sounds nice.” She said. “What do you think Purple Sister?”
Purple Sister took a jagged breath. “That sounds nice.” She said, smiling herself.
Falcom and Purple Sister took a seat at the table. “So what about you two?” Falcom asked. “What’s your story?”
Neptune and Nepgear spent nearly an hour telling their new friends everything they had been through. They told them about Histoire and the Fairy Towers. About how Neptune had been tasked with activating each of the Fairy Towers in Planeptune. They even talked about the strange house and dead looking monsters that lived in the basement.
“Wow.” Falcom said, surprised. “You two have been through a lot lately, huh?”
“Yeah. It’s been a trip alright.” Said Neptune, pretending to collapse on the table. “Now were just looking for a place to rest for a while. Preferably a place that has some ice cold pudding.”
Purple Sister suddenly perked up. “Falcom? Is it okay?” She asked.
“Of course!” Falcom said.
Purple Sister excitedly got to her feet and made her way over to a nearby refrigerator. After pulling the door open she reached inside and removed several pudding cups. After that, Purple Sister hesitated before she finally worked up the courage to hand the pudding cups over. “Enjoy!” She said.
“Thanks!” Neptune said, happily taking the pudding cup from Purple Sister.
“Thank you!” Said Nepgear, taking one herself.
“Thanks!” Said Falcom, taking a pudding cup for herself.
After that, the girls opened their puddings and started feasting on the gooey dessert. “This is what I’m talking about!” Neptune said, happily. “Anyone who gives me pudding has to be a good person.”
“You set the bar pretty low sis.” Said Nepgear.
Falcom giggled. “Well Purple Sister loves giving them to people.”
“Yes.” Purple Sister said, nodding.
“Anyways.” Falcom began, after she finished her pudding cup. “Neptune? Nepgear? You’re both welcome to stay in my cabin as long as you want, but I think Purple Sister and I need to take a trip to Planeptune.” She said.
Purple Sister’s eyes started to water. “W-Why?” Purple Sister asked.
“Well chances are your big sister is lady Purple Heart. If that’s true, I’m sure she’s worried about you. You should see her.” Said Falcom.
Purple Sister didn’t say anything at first. Instead she looked down at her half-eaten pudding cup. Suddenly tears started trickling down her cheeks once more. “I can’t.” She breathed. “I don’t want to.”
“Why not?” Falcom asked.
“Your sister is really worried about you. No lie.” Said Neptune.
Purple Sister didn’t answer her. Instead she shook her head several times more. “I’m going outside.” And with that, Purple Sister stood and headed outside leaving Neptune, Nepgear and Falcom alone.
“Great…” Falcom said, sighing deeply. “I didn’t think she’d react like that.”
“I’m sorry. This is all our faults.” Nepgear said.
“I only take half the blame.” Neptune chimed in.
Falcom sighed once more. “It’s no ones fault. Purple Sister is just afraid. I need to talk to her.”
“I’m wondering why she doesn’t want to see Purple Heart.” Nepgear began. “If it were me. I would be dying to see my big sister again.”
“Yeah, but you have to remember she doesn’t remember nothing.” Said Neptune. “Maybe she’s afraid or something. I don’t know how I’d be if I lost all my memories. Not like that would ever happen to me or anything!” Neptune said, giggling.
Falcom finished her pudding and stood. After taking up Purple Sister’s unfinished pudding, she headed for the front door. “I’m going to talk to Purple Sister for a minute. You two can make yourselves at home. If you want any more pudding please help yourselves. If you need a nap, go ahead and take my bed. It’s the one closer to the wall.”
“Thank you for letting us impose.” Nepgear said, standing once more and bowing.
“Thanks Falcom!” Neptune said. “You’re my new best friend!”
Falcom smiled once more before heading outside. Now that Neptune and Nepgear were alone, the girls didn’t know what to do or say. “I hate doing this.” Nepgear began. “I mean we just found Purple Heart’s long lost sister and she’s completely depressed and doesn’t want to see her big sister. Also we can’t stick around forever to help out. I just hate this.”
“Me too little sister.” Neptune said, tiptoeing over to the refrigerator. “I think we should just leave this to Falcom.”
“Yeah.” Nepgear said. “Oh sis? No more pudding, okay?”
Neptune sighed deeply. “Nepgear… You’re such a meanie!”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 18
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
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