Vert looked at Yvoire in disbelief. One moment she and Neptune were about to enjoy a nice meal together. The next moment Neptune was lying on the floor, slowly dying thanks to a poison that Yvoire had fed her. “You can’t be serious! Poison like that doesn’t exist!” Vert cried.
“You are incorrect.” Yvoire said. “I have it on good authority that this poison does only effect those who’s hearts and souls are tainted by evil.”
Vert slowly shook her head. “You can’t do this! You have to give her the antidote!” Vert cried, as she scooped Neptune up in her arms and stood.
“Tell me Vert.” Yvoire began, as though trying to find the right words. “Your friend here. She’s not from Leanbox is she?”
Vert didn’t answer. Instead she looked down at the face of Neptune. Who’s condition seemed to be getting worse. “It doesn’t matter what she’s from. She doesn’t deserve to die like this!”
“As I thought.” Yvoire said. “You on the other hand were born in Leanbox. Correct?” Vert refused to answer. “I have a feeling that if you didn’t meet Neptune or her sister, you wouldn’t have lied to us before. As you can see, your heart and soul almost became tainted thanks to this horrible woman. I’m proud to say that I have saved you.”
“You haven’t saved anyone! You’re killing an innocent girl!” Vert screamed. After that, Vert felt several firm hands on her shoulders.
“I had a feeling you might not understand. Perhaps you need some time to yourself.” Yvoire said. “Please escort these two to their room and lock them in for the night. I’m sure by tomorrow, Vert will see reason.” Yvoire said, he was no longer talking to Vert anymore.
“Yes sir.” Said a voice.
“Right away.” Said another voice.
“No! You can’t!” Vert cried. Vert wanted to fight back, but was worried that she might injure Neptune while holding her.
Dozens of people watched as Vert was escorted out of the building. She looked pleadingly into their eyes, hoping someone would help, but most of them looked away. “This is crazy. How did this happen? Why?” Vert wondered, bitterly to herself.
Vert and Neptune was escorted to the room she had been assigned before. Vert hesitated going inside, but knew she didn’t have a choice. After stepping into the room the door was shut and bolted locked.
Vert made her way over to a bed and gently laid Neptune down. “N-Nepgear… Cold… Please…” Neptune breathed.
Vert sighed deeply. Her shoulders sagged as she pulled a warm blanket over Neptune. “I’m so sorry Neptune. I don’t know what to do.” Vert said, in a low voice. After that, Vert took a seat on the edge of the other bed in the room and looked hopelessly at Neptune. “What do I do? What will I tell Nepgear tomorrow? I let her sister die? I didn’t do anything to save her?”
Vert closed her eyes as warm tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “No!” Vert said, in a stern voice. “I won’t let that happen!”
Vert got to her feet and turned towards her door. Moving swiftly over to it, Vert began pounding on the frame. “Let me out now!” The girl ordered.
“Were sorry.” Said a muffled voice. “We don’t like it either, but we don’t have a choice. Yvoire’s orders are absolute.”
“And who gave him that power?” Vert demanded.
“The goddess of course.” Said one of the people.
“No.” Vert said, sternly. “Does that sound like something a goddess would do?” The voice didn’t answer. “I don’t know lady Green Heart personally, but I know she wouldn’t give that kind of power to anyone! Not even herself!”
“I’m sorry.” Said the voice.
“Let me out!” Vert ordered once more.
“I can’t.” Said the voice.
“Stop talking to her. She’ll get the point sooner or later.” Said a different voice.
“You’re about to get the point!” Vert snapped. Vert leapt away from the door. As she did she summoned her spear. “Here I come!” Vert sliced through the door with a series of slashes. In an instant the door had been destroyed.
Located on the other side of the door were two men. “We better get Yvoire!” One of the men screamed.
“Right!” And with those words, the two men turned and started running away as fast as they could.
“Yes! Get my Yvoire and an antidote! NOW!” Vert roared.
Vert stepped out of the building she and Neptune were being held in. The moment her feet touched the ground outside, several Hi Bit robots appeared around her. Before the creatures could launch an attack, Vert managed to destroy them all with little effort.
The moment the small robots were destroyed, a large tank suddenly appeared on the other side of the village. “Yvoire! Shut this down! NOW!” Vert roared.
In response the tank aimed it’s cannons at the girl and fired. Vert sighed as she held up her hand and created a barrier in front of her. The tanks lasers bounced off the barrier. Even though the laser attack didn’t injure Vert, it was powerful enough to push her back a few feet.
Once the tank stopped firing, the tank began driving forwards incredibly fast. Vert prepared herself for her next attack, but gasped when a little girl suddenly appeared in front of the tank.
In a flash Vert appeared next to the little girl. Her hand was outstretched. “Sylhet Spear!” She cried. A large portal appeared next to Vert. Moments later an enormous spear shot out of the portal and struck the tank head on. The tank halted in it’s tracks, dirt and debris were launched into the air. Vert lowered her hand, the portal and spear vanished along side the tank.
“Are you alright, dear?” Vert asked, looking kindly down a the small girl. The little girl nodded her head several times. “I’m glad.” She said.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Yvoire shouted.
Vert turned on her heels and spotted the elderly man standing several yards away. His hands were down by his sides and were clenched into tight fists. “How dare you attack my village like that! Who do you think you are?!”
Vert gritted her teeth as she made her way over to Yvoire. The look in Vert’s eyes caused the man to back up several feet, before he toppled over. Now Vert stood over him. “Listen to me now Yvoire. If you don’t bring me the antidote to the poison you gave my friend, I’ll spend the rest of your life making sure you regret it.”
Yvoire’s eyes went wide with terror, but not because of something Vert had said. Instead he was terrified because for a split-second Vert reminded him of lady Green Heart. “Y-Yes.” Yvoire said, rolling onto his stomach and scrambling to his feet. “Bring me the antidote to cure the poison!” He shouted.
Moments later Yvoire was handed a small vile with a pink liquid inside. Yvoire turned to Vert and handed it to her. “Here. If your friend drinks the entire vile, she’ll be fine.” The man said.
Vert took the vile and looked it over. “This better work Yvoire. I mean it.” Vert said, turning to leave. Vert made her way back into the building Neptune was resting in and uncorked the vile. Helping Neptune up, Vert tipped it to her lips.
Neptune groaned and tightened her lips. “Come on Neptune. Be a good girl and drink this. Okay?” Vert pushed the vile towards Neptune’s closed lips once more, but this time she opened them and drank the pink liquid. The moment the vile was empty, Vert gently laid Neptune back down.
Even before Neptune’s head hit the pillow, the color in her cheeks returned. “Thank goodness.” Vert said. The girl felt like crying for joy, but she knew she didn’t have time for that. “Yvoire?” Vert said.
“Y-Yes ma’am?” Yvoire said.
“I’m going to give you an order now and you better now disobey it. Understand?” Said Vert.
“Yes?” Yvoire said.
Vert turned her eyes angrily towards Yvoire. “You were lying about that security system. Correct? There’s no way you would trap yourselves in this village for twenty-four hours, right?” Yvoire nodded. “Then shut it off. Now!”
“Yes!” Yvoire said, turning towards a group of people who were watching a few yards away. “Turn off the security system! Now!” The man bellowed. Yvoire turned back to Vert, he was rubbing his hands nervously together. “Please forgive us Vert. We weren’t trying to hurt you. We were just worried about your friend.”
“Shut up Yvoire.” Vert said. “Ever since we got here, all you’ve done was lie to us. You even tried to kill my friend! And for what? Just to impress a goddess who might not even know you exist?”
Yvoire’s lower jaw dropped. “I’m… I’m certain she knows we exist.” He muttered.
Vert wanted to say more, but she felt so furious that she was afraid she might say something she would regret. “Tell me Yvoire. Why is that giant rodent attacking this village?”
Yvoire shook his head. “I have no idea. I swear!” The man cried. “The moment we built this village, that rodent has been attacking our village. We tried to fight it off using our tanks, but it easily destroyed them. You actually destroyed our last tank.”
“You left me no choice. Your tank almost cost a young girl her life.” Vert said.
“Talking about yourself Vert?” Neptune asked.
Vert turned to Neptune. The girl’s eyes were partially open and a wry smile was on her lips. “Neptune? Are you feeling better?” She asked.
“I felt a bit poopy before, but I’m doing fine.” Neptune said, yawning loudly. “I could use a nap though.
“That’s okay.” Vert said, moving a few stray hairs out of Neptune’s eyes. “You rest up.” Vert turned to Yvoire. “Is the security system shut down now?” Vert asked.
“It is.” Said Yvoire.
“Good. I’ll be right back Yvoire. If you try anything stupid while I’m gone. I’ll make you regret it. Understood?” Vert demanded, as she aimed her spear at Yvoire’s head.
“Yes! I understand!” Yvoire cried, holding his hands up in defense.
Even though Vert was certain she had regained control of their situation, she still felt nervous leaving Neptune alone. However, she knew she didn’t have much of a choice. Vert walked through the village. She noticed that everyone wore a nervous look on their faces.
“I wonder how many people here are victims of Yvoire’s manipulation and how many people know exactly what Yvoire’s doing.” Vert wondered, as she passed people by. When Vert made her way through the village gates, she was surprised to see Nepgear and Broccoli heading towards her.
“Vert? What happened?” Nepgear asked.
“It’s a long story.” Vert said. “Are you two alright?”
“Were fine, nyu.” Said Broccoli.
“She’s right, but where’s my sister?” Nepgear asked.
Vert told Nepgear everything that happened. Once Vert reached the end of her story, Nepgear narrowed her eyes at the village. “This stupid village… They tried to kill my sister? I’ll never forgive them!”
“Nepgear. It’s okay now.” Vert said. “Your sister is fine. Come on. There’s something we need to talk about.”
Nepgear followed Vert to where her sister was resting. Once the sisters were reunited, Nepgear turned her eyes angrily towards Yvoire. “This is Neptune!” Nepgear said, pointing at her sister. “She’s the type of girl who would risk her life for a stranger. Someone who took care of me since I can remember! You had no right to try and kill her!”
“Were so sorry!” Yvoire cried.
“Sorry doesn’t make it better!” Nepgear said, angrily. “I’d beat you up, but I know my sister would pelt me with her snacks if I did that. So were just going to leave, right Vert?”
“No.” Vert said, shaking her head.
“No? Why would we stay?” Nepgear asked.
“For one reason Nepgear. We need to help this village.” Said Vert.
Nepgear couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You want to help this village after what they did?”
“Yes.” Vert said. “I know it doesn’t make any sense, but we can’t leave this village knowing that giant rodent is out there. We need to slay that monster before we can go anywhere.”
Nepgear began pacing back and forth. “I can’t believe this… You want to save this village… They poisoned Neptune and took you both hostage! This is crazy!” Nepgear said, angrily. “I mean we probably could kill it, but we’d have to wait until my sister was at full strength.”
“There we go.” Vert said, smiling warmly at Nepgear.
“What?” Nepgear asked. She stopped pacing.
“I knew you were like your sister. Helpful and kind. Yes this village did harm your sister, but not everyone here is bad.” Said Vert.
“I know that.” Nepgear said, her shoulders sagged. Nepgear took a deep breath. “Alright. I’m willing to help, but after that I want to leave. I never want to see this village again.”
“I understand.” Said Vert, nodding. “You heard her Yvoire. Were willing to deal with Big Pirachu, but after that were leaving.”
“Yes of course.” Said Yvoire. “In the meantime. Are any of you feeling hungry? I could-”
“Get out of here Yvoire!” Nepgear snapped.
“Yes ma’am!” Yvoire said, as he ran off.
“Good call.” Said Vert, as she pulled off her backpack. “I’ll worry about dinner.”
Nepgear nodded. It was at that moment she noticed a small girl was standing by the door. “Hello sweetheart.” Nepgear said, forcing a smile. “I’m sorry if I sounded so scary before. I’m not mad at you or anything.”
Vert turned to the little girl and quickly recognized her. “It’s you.” She said.
“Thank you.” The little girl said. “For rescuing me.”
Vert smiled warmly at the little girl. “You’re very welcome, dear.” After the little girl waved farewell to Nepgear, Vert and Broccoli, she left. Vert giggled as she turned her eyes towards Nepgear and tilted her head slightly to the right.
Nepgear sighed deeply. “Alright Vert. I get it.” Nepgear said, shrugging her shoulders. “She’s worth fighting for.”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 66
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
There was no sound or light. Nothing seemed to reach the strange abyss. A young girl stood in the middle of this abyss, a vacant look in he...