Neptune and Nepgear stayed in Falcom’s cabin. Normally Neptune would have explored the entire building, opening each door, looking under the beds and going through each drawer. Instead she sat on Falcom’s bed looking down at her feet. “This feels a little awkward, huh Nepgear?”
“It really is.” Said Nepgear. Nepgear was sitting at the table. Her hands were folded together.
Outside the cabin the two Nep’s could hear Falcom and Purple Sister talking. Every once in a while they could hear Purple Sister start to cry and Falcom try to comfort her. A few hours later, the door opened and Falcom stepped inside. Falcom looked exhausted. “I’m really sorry about this.” Falcom said, as she made her way over to the refrigerator and opened the door.
“What’s wrong?” Nepgear asked. “I know I shouldn’t put my nose into your business, but I’m worried about Purple Sister.”
Falcom took out a bottle of water. “I don’t really know.” She admitted. “I thought Purple Sister would be happy that we found some clue about her past, but she doesn’t seem happy about it at all.” Falcom pulled off the cap of her water and took several big drinks. “Don’t get me wrong. Purple Sister is a dear friend of mine and she’s welcome to stay here forever, but I don’t want her to miss out on meeting her family.”
“Sisters can be complicated.” Neptune said. “I have an idea! Why don’t we send a message to Planeptune and see if Purple Heart can come here instead?”
Falcom tilted her head slightly to the right. “That’s an idea. I’d just feel guilty going behind Purple Sister’s back like that.”
“That’s a good point.” Nepgear said. Nepgear couldn’t help, but look at her sister. Neptune was leaning back against Falcom’s bed now and was gently kicking her feet. “You know what? I think if it were me, I’d be afraid to go back.”
“Huh? How could you be afraid to come back to me?” Neptune asked. “If you disappeared Nepgear and suddenly came back, I’d hug you for a gazillion years!”
Nepgear giggled. “I know sis, but I’m thinking about Purple Sister’s situation. The only thing she remembers is her name and that’s it. She feels like something is missing and that’s why she cries so much.”
“That’s true.” Said Falcom.
“We’ve all had our hearts broken before. It’s a terrible feeling and to make it worse, Purple Sister is feeling that everyday.” Nepgear slowly got to her feet. “Falcom? Do you mind if I talk to her instead?”
“Sure!” Falcom said, happily. “Oh, have you ever fished before?”
Nepgear shook her head. “I haven’t.”
“Well in that case, ask Purple Sister to help you out, okay? Trust me. Fishing can help!” Said Falcom.
Nepgear smiled. “Thanks!” She said, and with those words Nepgear headed outside. Nepgear spotted Purple Sister standing on the dock. The girl held a fishing pole out in front of her. Lying on the ground was the tackle box, a small circular container and another fishing pole.
Nepgear took a deep breath. “I hope I’m right about this.” Nepgear thought, as she made her way over to Purple Sister. “Hi Purple Sister!” Nepgear said.
“Oh… Hello.” Purple Sister said. Nepgear could tell that Purple Sister was trying not to look at her. “I’m sorry about before. I’m sure you don’t want to be friends with a mean crybaby like me, right?”
Nepgear shook her head. “I don’t think you’re a mean crybaby and of course were still friends!” Nepgear said.
“Really?” Purple Sister asked, finally looking at Nepgear out of the corners of her eyes.
“Really!” Nepgear said. “I actually wanted to ask you a small favor if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind, but…” Purple Sister said, but stopped speaking.
“Do you mind if I tried fishing with you?” Nepgear asked, picking up the spare fishing pole.
“I would love that.” Purple Sister said, a small smile appeared on her lips.
“The only problem is. I don’t know anything about fishing. Could you teach me?” Asked Nepgear.
Purple Sister nodded her head, before she turned her attention completely towards the fishing pole that Nepgear held. Purple Sister spent several minutes explaining the different parts of the fishing pole and then showed Nepgear how to put bait on the hook. After that she showed Nepgear how to cast her line into the water and what to look for before pulling on her fishing pole.
“And that’s everything.” Purple Sister said.
“Wow! You’re really good at explaining things.” Said Nepgear.
“Thanks.” Purple Sister said, blushing a little. “What are friends for?”
Nepgear and Purple Sister stood on the dock in silence watching their bobbers in the water. Every once in a while the girls would pull on their lines, causing their bait to move.
“So… You and your sister are traveling together?” Purple Sister asked. “That must be nice.”
Nepgear nodded. “It has been, but there have been some scary moments as well.”
“Really?” Asked Purple Sister.
“Yeah. For instance, several days ago Neptune actually got seriously injured. I was worried that she would die.” Nepgear admitted. “Thankfully that didn’t happen, but it terrified me.”
“That must have been terrible.” Purple Sister said.
“Have you and Falcom gone on any journeys?” Asked Nepgear.
“Just to town a few times.” Said Purple Sister. “It was kind of scary. There were so many people watching us, but Falcom held my hand the entire time. She’s really nice. Almost like a big sister.”
“I bet Falcom would make a great big sister. She seems like the kind of person who enjoys taking care of others. I mean she’s letting me and Neptune spend the night and she doesn’t even know us.”
“She’s nice.” Said Purple Sister.
Silence fell between the two girls once more. They focused on their bobbers, pulled on their fishing poles and even reeled them in a bit. So far, however, they hadn’t managed to catch any fish.
“Purple Sister? Can I ask you a question?” Nepgear asked.
“Sure.” Said Purple Sister.
“Are you afraid to meet Purple Heart?” Nepgear asked. Purple Sister cleared her throat, but didn’t say anything. Instead she took a few steps away from Nepgear. “I was thinking about your situation before. If I had lost my memory and ended up lost somewhere. I wouldn’t know what to do. If someone suddenly appeared and said, ‘hey you have a big sister’. I think I would be terrified to meet them.”
“Really?” Purple Sister asked.
Nepgear nodded. “Really. The first thing I would think is. Did my big sister leave me behind on purpose?”
Purple Sister took a step closer to Nepgear. “Yeah?” She asked.
“Yeah.” Said Nepgear. “I would also wonder if they were mad at me for disappearing.”
Purple Heart took another step closer to Nepgear.
“I would wonder if we ever got along in the first place. I would wonder if my sister even looked for me after I disappeared. Was she worried about me?” Nepgear stopped talking when she felt Purple Sister’s shoulder touch her own. “I would be terrified to meet my big sister, but I would want to meet her anyway.”
“Really?” Purple Sister said, her eyes fell to the water. “Why?” She asked, in a voice so soft that Nepgear wasn’t sure if she heard her correctly.
“I guess not knowing would scare me more.” Said Nepgear.
Purple Sister turned her eyes towards her bobber. For a minute she thought about everything Nepgear had told her. “You’re right.” She said. After that Nepgear started reeling in her line as fast as she could, but suddenly slowed down. “I need to respect my equipment otherwise it won’t respect me.”
“Did Falcom teach you that?” Nepgear asked.
“Yep.” Said Purple Sister.
Nepgear reeled in her line as well and soon the two girls were stepping into Falcom’s home. “Falcom?” Nepgear began. “Purple Sister would like to ask you something.”
Purple Sister’s cheeks grew bright red. “W-Will you please… Take me to Planeptune?” The girl stammered.
Falcom smiled and nodded. “It would be my pleasure.” She said.
“I knew you could do it Nepgear!” Neptune said. The girl was now sitting at the table, she was surrounded by several empty pudding cups.
“Big sister! You shouldn’t eat that many puddings! You’re just taking advantage of Falcom.”
“Nope! Falcom said I could have as many puddings as I want. Are you calling Falcom a liar?” Neptune asked.
“Of course not big sister, but Falcom is just being nice! I’m sure she didn’t mean for you to literally eat them all!” Nepgear said.
“I didn’t eat them all. I ate a few.” Neptune said.
Purple Sister took a deep breath as she carefully made her way over to the table. “P-Please don’t fight.” She said.
Neptune and Nepgear turned their eyes towards Purple Sister. “Oh were not fighting!” Neptune said, giggling.
“That’s right. This is just how we talk sometimes.” Said Nepgear.
“If you want to see a real fight, just try messing with Nepgear’s N-Gear. She’ll tear your head off!” Neptune said, hugging herself tightly, a look of dread appeared on her face. “OW!” Neptune cried out, as she grabbed her head.
“What’s wrong?” Nepgear asked, running around the table.
Falcom made her way over to the girls as well. “Are you alright? I have some medicine if you need it.” Falcom said.
Neptune didn’t say anything at first. The pain in her head only lasted a moment, but it was bad enough to make her dizzy. “I’m alright. I just felt this weird pain in my head.” Neptune explained. “Also… Nepgear? Do you remember me taking your N-Gear before and trying to install some apps on it?”
“Yeah of course.” Nepgear said. The girl’s eyes went wide when she suddenly grabbed her head as well and started swaying side-to-side. “Oh my head!” Nepgear cried out. Falcom took Nepgear by her shoulders and guided her to a chair. After Nepgear was sitting, Falcom went to retrieve some medicine.
“That’s so weird.” Said Neptune. “For some reason that memory popped into my head and I guess my head didn’t like it, cause it bit me!”
“I remembered it too.” Said Nepgear. “It’s weird though. I remember you downloading some apps on my N-Gear and those apps turned out to be viruses, but where did that happen?”
Neptune thought about this for a moment, but she couldn’t remember. “Don’t know. You see Purple Sister? Nepgear’s so scary that she gave us both headaches!”
“I see…” Purple Heart said, moving closer to Falcom.
“Neptune! I’m not scary!” Nepgear said, annoyed.
“Scary!” Neptune said, pretending to recoil in fear.
Falcom and Purple Sister gathered some supplies and headed for the front door of the cabin. “Are you sure you two want to leave this moment?” Asked Nepgear. “It’s going to be dark soon.”
“That’s alright.” Said Falcom. “By the time it gets dark we should arrive at the city Red lives in. I’m curious about that train you mentioned.”
“Yeah, but that train left already.” Said Neptune.
“True, but it’s not the only way to get to Planeptune.” Said Falcom. “Also I’ll be with Purple Sister, so I’ll be fine. Right?”
“Right.” Purple Sister said, nodding.
“Oh! Before we leave. Nepgear? I know you’re very responsible so could you do me a few favors while were gone?” Falcom asked.
“Of course.” Said Nepgear.
“First off. Could you clean out my refrigerator? I don’t know when we’ll be back and I’m sure the food we’ll go bad before then. It’d be a waste, so please take everything with you two, okay?”
“Sure.” Nepgear said, a weak smile appeared on her face.
“Last thing. Don’t lock the door.” Falcom said. “This place does belong to me, but I like to keep it open so anyone can rest if they need to.”
“Okay. Are you sure there’s nothing here you wouldn’t want to keep safe? What about the fishing poles and tackle box?” Asked Nepgear.
“Those things can be replaced. If someone takes them, then they must really need them.” Said Falcom. “Anyways. It was great meeting you two!”
“I’m glad I met you two as well.” Purple Sister said.
“Same here!” Nepgear said.
“Yep!” Said Neptune, saluting.
“Alright Purple Sister.” Falcom said, holding her hand out to the girl. “Are you ready to go?”
Purple Sister didn’t hesitate this time. She took Falcom by the hand. “I’m ready.”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 19
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
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