“That’s another Regulus isn’t it?” Neptune asked, as she pointed dully at the large figure that was slowly making it’s way down the middle of the street. The large Regulus swung it’s sword at every building that it passed, creating large gashes into them. Debris rained down from the buildings and slammed into the sidewalks and street below.
“Yeah. It is.” Nepgear said.
“Man… Regulus are becoming regulars for us, aren’t they?” Neptune said, smiling brightly as though she just told a humorous joke.
“No time for bad jokes Neptune!” Nepgear said, as she summoned her energy sword. “We need to defeat that thing!”
“Oh! Right.” Neptune said, as she summoned her katana.
Vert summoned her spear as well. “Let’s go ladies.” Vert said, pointing at the Regulus using her spearhead.
The three girls started running forwards, but before they could go far, a stream of people gushed out of side streets and started running towards them. Nepgear had to deactivate her energy sword as people rushed past her. Neptune held up her hands while Vert pointed the head of her spear towards the sky.
“Hey! Heroes coming through!” Neptune said, as she was pushed violently around by the crowd.
“Move it you idiot!” A man screamed.
“It’s going to get us!” Screamed a woman.
Neptune groaned loudly. “I’m not an idiot.” She breathed.
“Neptune! We have to…” Nepgear began, but she stopped speaking when she noticed a familiar red haired girl run past her. Nepgear watched in awe as the red haired girl ran straight into the crowd of people. Within seconds however, she emerged on the other side of the crowd without getting hurt. “Whoa! It’s her!” Nepgear shouted.
Neptune and Vert watched as the red haired girl ran at the Regulus as fast as she could. Once she was close, the girl leapt high in the air and summoned something that looked like a giant pair of scissors. Moments later she cut through the Regulus as though it were made of paper.
“Whoa! She’s tough.” Nepgear said, in shock.
“No fair! Were the main characters!” Neptune cried.
Once the crowd of people disappeared, the girls were finally able to reach the red haired girl. “Are you three alright? I wish I could have helped you, but the monster was my top priority.”
“It’s cool.” Neptune said, waving her hand dismissively.
“Um!” Nepgear began, taking a few steps towards the girl. “I know this isn’t the right time, but I saw you at the arcade a few days ago, right?” She asked.
“I admit I do frequent that establishment.” The girl said.
“What’s your name?” Asked Vert.
The girl bowed a little. “My name is Cave.” She answered.
“Do you have an older sister named Cavern?” Neptune asked, before giggling goofily. When Neptune realized that no one was joking she quickly added, “sorry.”
“Anyways. It’s a pleasure to meet you Cave.” Vert said, extending a hand to the girl.
Cave took Vert by the hand. “A pleasure to meet you as well.” She said. “I have to say. You do look familiar to me.”
“Do I?” Vert asked, furrowing her brow.
As the two girls spoke, they were suddenly hit with a sense of dizziness and a pain that appeared between their eyebrows. Vert closed her eyes tightly, while Cave rubbed the spot where it suddenly hurt. “Regaining memories is annoying.” Cave said, before clearing her throat. “Anyways, we really need to deal with the other monsters.”
“Other monsters?” Said Vert, confused.
Just as Vert finished speaking, a large carriage slammed into the ground several yards away. Turning quickly, the girls spotted two other Regulus appear. “Man. Those Regulus are becoming regulars, huh?” Neptune said.
“That was very humorous.” Said Cave.
“Thanks Cave! I thought it was humorous too.” Neptune said, putting emphasis on the word ‘I’.
“No time. Let’s go everyone!” Vert said.
Nepgear and Neptune ran at the Regulus that was close to them, while Vert and Cave charged at the Regulus that was closer to them. The girls fought bravely and managed to kill both monsters in record time.
Once finished, they met back up in the street. “Is that it?” Nepgear wondered, as she kept a look out for any other monsters.
“I don’t see any more monsters.” Said Vert.
Cave sent her scissor-like weapons away. “I appreciate your help. I actually work for Leanbox. I work as a security officer. I would like you to meet my boss.”
“Sure. I don’t mind.” Said Neptune, as she sent her katana away as well.
“Her boss? She doesn’t mean Lady Green Heart does she?” Nepgear thought.
Cave led the girls through Leanbox and soon stood in front of the Basilicom. Even though Nepgear’s meeting with Lady Green Heart was helpful and they parted on friendly terms, Nepgear was still nervous about meeting with Lady Green Heart again.
“Please follow me.” Cave said, once more.
The girls made their way into the Basilicom and soon stepped into a large room. A familiar looking room. Sitting on a couch was Lady Green Heart playing video games like before, but now a green haired girl was inside as well. The girl had her head on Lady Green Heart’s lap.
“Oh big sister! Why can’t you pay attention to me?” The girl asked.
“I’m sorry Chika, but I simply must keep playing this game.” Lady Green Heart said. “Welcome back Cave.”
“Thank you.” Cave said.
The girl named Chika raised her head and saw that Cave wasn’t alone. “Who are these people?” She asked dully.
“Hiya! My name’s Neptune.” Neptune said.
“My names Vert.” Said Vert.
“M-My name’s Nepgear.” Said Nepgear.
The name Nepgear caught Lady Green Heart’s attention. “Nepgear? Welcome back dear.” Said Lady Green Heart, finally taking her eyes off the television.
“Welcome back? Vert said, confused. “You’ve been here before Nepgear?”
“Yes.” Nepgear said.
“Oh! You’re the girl who broke in, correct?” Chika asked, getting to her feet.
“You broke in?” Vert said, stunned. “Nepgear! How could you?”
“I’m sorry. I had a good reason though.” Said Nepgear, feeling ashamed.
Vert sighed deeply. “I’m sorry Nepgear, but as your big sister I must discipline you.” Vert took a seat in a nearby chair and took Nepgear by her hand. “Now. Over my lap dear.” Vert said.
“Wait! No!” Nepgear cried, as she fought back.
Vert giggled as she continued to try and pull Nepgear over her lap. “Sorry Nepgear, but big sister Vert needs to give you a spanking.”
“Please don’t discipline her. She did have a good reason.” Lady Green Heart said. “You see…” Lady Green Heart took several moments to explain why Nepgear had broken into the Basilicom. After she was finished, Vert had released her grip on Nepgear’s hand to the great relief of Nepgear.
“I see. That does make sense.” Said Vert, scratching her chin thoughtfully.
“Still. I did ground her.” Said Neptune, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Though, I think I completely forgot about that the same day. Oh well.” Neptune said, shrugging her shoulders.
“So… Why are you here exactly?” Chika asked.
“There was an attack on Leanbox. Three Regulus attacked our city and these three helped us.” Said Cave.
“Thank you very much.” Lady Green Heart said. “As you can see. For some reason I can’t stop playing video games. My protection over my city is completely lax. I apologize for the trouble.”
“I love playing video games too, but why can’t you stop?” Asked Neptune.
“I don’t know.” Lady Green Heart said, shaking her head. “I feel this compulsion to keep playing. If I do try to stop, I feel like something terrible is going to happen. If I’m being honest, I think it has something to do with the Fairy Towers.”
“You think that the Fairy Towers, Histoire being sealed away and our memories are all connected?” Vert asked.
“Yes.” Said Lady Green Heart. “I also have a feeling that the original Histoire may have something to do with this, but I don’t believe she’s our enemy. I believe something else is going on here. That’s why I don’t blame Nepgear for breaking into our Basilicom. Only a goddess could force these changes after all.”
“How many goddesses are in the world?” Nepgear asked. “I only know about four. Lady Purple Heart, Lady Black Heart, Lady Green Heart and Lady White Heart. Of course there are also the candidates, but I only know about Purple Sister and Black Sister. I have a feeling there are two more, but I could be wrong.”
“What makes you think that?” Asked Chika.
“I don’t know.” Nepgear admitted. “When I think about the candidates, I feel like I know them all personally, but at the same time I don’t. Almost like I dreamt them up despite the fact that I met them both.”
“Yeah it’s weird alright.” Neptune said. The girl had moved from where she was standing and was now sitting on the couch next to Lady Green Heart. Not only that, but she was holding a controller in her hands. “Hey does this have two players on it? Oh and who do I have to bug to get some pudding around here?”
“Big sister!” Nepgear cried.
“Don’t worry. I’m asking for pudding for everyone.” Said Neptune.
Cave sighed deeply. “I feel like were getting off subject.”
“Yes. We were talking about the attacks on Leanbox.” Said Chika, as she reached down and took up a tablet. The woman began pounding information on the tablets screen before she looked up from what she was doing. “According to reports, it looks like they were led here by something.”
“Led here?” Nepgear asked.
“Yes. The Regulus are robots. It looks like something hacked into their systems and guided them here.” Said Chika.
“Huh… Did you pick up a rogue signal or something?” Nepgear asked.
“Oh no. Whoever hacked the Regulus sent us a confession.” Chika turned her tablet around so everyone could see the screen.
“I hacked the Regulus and sent them to Leanbox. Now is the reckoning you deserve.” Neptune said, reading the words on the tablet. “That’s weird. What reckoning are they yapping about?”
“Who knows.” Nepgear said. “Do you think you can pinpoint where they sent that message from?”
“No need.” Said Chika. “This message also has coordinates included with it. It’s like they’re daring us to go there and stop them.”
“That’s so weird.” Neptune said. “I know I asked for pudding, but I haven’t received any yet.”
“Forget the pudding Neptune.” Chika said, annoyed. “Anyways. Cave?”
“I’m on my way.” Cave said, bowing.
“Wait.” Nepgear said, holding up her hands. “I’m going too.”
“Were all going.” Said Vert, turning her eyes to Neptune. Neptune quickly realized what Vert was saying and tried to hide behind Lady Green Heart, but it was pointless. “That’s alright Neptune.” Said Vert. “Me and my little sister will go.” Vert held her hand out to Nepgear and to Neptune’s horror, Nepgear took it.
“No way! No how! No thank you ma’am!” Neptune said, jumping to her feet.
“So you’re coming with us?” Asked Vert, smiling mischievously.
“Of course!” Said Neptune.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to go now.” Said Lady Green Heart. “It’s already dark outside. It could be more dangerous to go out at night. Please wait until tomorrow morning.”
“Very well.” Said Cave, nodding.
“In the meantime…” Neptune plopped back down on the couch. “Let’s talk about video games and pudding.”
Nepgear didn’t say anything as she made her way over to the couch. She wore a small smile on her face, but she didn’t feel like smiling. Nepgear wasn’t sure why, but she had a feeling she knew exactly who was responsible for the attack on Leanbox and it was someone she didn’t want to meet again. “It’s you. Isn’t it Yvoire?” Nepgear thought, bitterly.
“Fine.” Chika said, sighing deeply. “I’ll bring everyone some pudding, but don’t you dare get close to my big sister!”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 80
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
There was no sound or light. Nothing seemed to reach the strange abyss. A young girl stood in the middle of this abyss, a vacant look in he...