Neptune and Noire made their way into the dilapidated factory. The building was incredibly large, but it was also empty except for the monsters that were stalking around. “The inside is still in pretty good shape. These holes though are going to be a problem.” Noire said, as she looked at one of the holes located in the wall. “Even if we manage to kill all the monsters roaming around in here more will just walk back in.”
“I know it’s none of my business but-” Neptune began.
“That’s true.” Noire said, cutting her off.
Neptune grumbled under her breath and narrowed her eyes at the back of Noire’s head. “But, what does Shian want with an old factory like this? Why not just tear it down and build a new one?”
“Well… I’m guessing it’s because it would cost more money to fix this one then to build a new one.” Said Noire. “Anyways, it’s none of our business really. Client gets what client wants.”
“Boo.” Neptune said, annoyed. “So what are we going to do when we kill the monsters? Stay here until someone fixes the holes?”
Noire shook her head. “No need. All we’ll have to do is move some sheet metal over the hole or something. Stop whining and start fighting.”
“Hey I… Wait… Did you mean to rime like that?” Asked Neptune.
“Sure.” Said Noire, as she summoned her rapier. “Come on Neptune. Let’s get to work.”
Neptune sighed deeply as she summoned her katana. “Fine.” She said.
Noire and Neptune ran deeper into the factory. As they ran the girls faced down several different types of monsters. What really surprised Neptune was the fact that not all the monsters were made of flesh and blood. Some were robots.
Neptune spotted a small group of Ruffian Cat monsters and attacked them. She managed to catch two of the creatures off guard, but the other three managed to avoid her attack. “You’re not getting away!” Neptune said, as she leapt at the Ruffian Cat that was closest to her.
Neptune’s katana sliced through the creature, but before she could launch another attack, one of the Ruffian Cat monsters managed to punch her hard in the jaw. “OW!” Neptune cried out.
“Are you okay?” Noire asked. The girl was fighting a monster known as a Strange Person, who was indeed very strange. The creature looked like a human who was floating around in a strange device.
“I’m fine. This little jerk just sucker punched me.” Neptune said, as she cut the Ruffian Cat down. After that she managed to kill the third and final Ruffian Cat.
Neptune smiled proudly, but before she could celebrate several circular shaped High Bit Custom monsters attacked. They shot lasers at the girl, but Neptune managed to block their attacks using her barrier magic.
“This barrier sure comes in handy.” Said Neptune.
“Hold on.” Noire said, as she sliced the monster she was fighting in two. After that, Noire turned to the High Bit Custom monsters and managed to cut them down as well. “Were doing pretty good so far.” Noire said, noticing several more monsters were approaching them.
Neptune and Noire launched themselves at the remaining monsters. They cut down High Bit Custom monsters, more Strange Person, Ruffian Cat and DSTT monsters as well. None of the creatures that lived in the factory could handle the girls overwhelming power.
“There we go.” Noire said, tossing back one of her pigtails with her hands. “Now. Let’s find something to block those holes and…”
Neptune suddenly pushed Noire, causing the girl to fly several yards away. Noire opened her mouth to scream at Neptune, but before she could utter a word two large beams of energy struck the girl, sending her flying backwards. “NEPTUNE!” Noire cried.
Neptune slammed into a wall behind her, before falling into a heap onto the floor. Noire’s eyes were as large as saucers and her hands were shaking by her sides. “N-Neptune… Are you?” She began.
“Ouch…” Neptune muttered, as she slowly got to her feet. Neptune’s chest was smoking where the lasers had struck her. “That was smarts.” She breathed.
Noire finally turned her attention away from Neptune and saw the creature that had hurt her. “Heavy Tank.” Noire breathed.
“I’m okay.” Neptune said, as she held out her hand. “Heal!” Neptune’s body started to shine brightly for a moment before fading. “There we go. I’m going to need some pudding to fully heal though.”
“Come on Neptune. We’ve got to destroy this thing.” Noire said, holding her rapier out in front of her.
“Yeah, yeah.” Neptune said, as she aimed the tip of her katana at the Heavy Tank.
With those words, Neptune began rushing forwards. The moment Neptune started running, the Heavy Tank aimed it’s laser canons at the girl and fired. Neptune held up her right hand and created a barrier.
At first, Neptune was certain she would be able to keep moving, but once the two energy beams struck her barrier, she was forced to stop running. Noire took this opportunity to charge the Heavy Tank herself. However, when Noire had gotten closer to the tank, the giant robot turned and fired at her.
Noire leapt to the right, avoiding both laser beams by mere inches, but the Heavy Tank wasn’t finished. It halted it’s fire and turned it’s large body and continued to fire it’s lasers. “Come on!” Noire thought, as she dodged left and right and tried to get closer and closer to the Heavy Tank.
Just when Noire thought she was going to be able to launch an attack, the Heavy Tank started moving further away from her. “Oh come on!” Noire said, frustrated.
The Heavy Tank drove itself to the other side of the room and started firing it’s lasers once more.
Noire dodged to the left and then the right. “If Uni were here, she would have been able to shoot this thing.” Noire thought, bitterly to herself. Just when Noire was about to call out to Neptune to regroup and go over a strategy together, Neptune appeared behind the Heavy Tank.
Neptune had leapt high into the air and aimed the tip of her katana down at the robot. With a loud boom, Neptune shoved her katana into the robot and began wiggling it around. “Got it!” Neptune called out.
“Keep it up!” Noire shouted, as she rushed at the Heavy Tank.
Once more the Heavy Tank aimed it’s laser cannons at Noire, but before they could fire, Neptune removed her sword and sliced the cannons in two. With a loud explosion, the front part of the Heavy Tank exploded.
“Your mine!” Noire shouted, as she sliced the Heavy Tank’s side using her rapier.
Neptune leapt off the Heavy Tank and both girls started to run away. The Heavy Tank smashed into several walls, causing even more damage to the factory, but soon the thing stopped moving altogether.
“We did it!” Neptune cheered, as the Heavy Tank’s remains vanished.
“Yeah, but… It caused more damage to the factory.” Said Noire, sighing deeply. “Chian’s not going to be happy.”
“Yeah, but… I mean she’s going to have to fix this place up anyways, right? Besides, I bet she’d rather deal with a few cracks then the monsters, right?” Said Neptune.
“Well… You’ve got a good-” Before Noire could finish talking, a large section of the factory suddenly collapsed in on itself. Smoke flooded the building and debris fell from the ceiling. “-Point.” Noire said, her shoulders sagged.
“Oh crackers.” Said Neptune. Neptune noticed that Noire was trembling, her hands were balled into tight fists. “Okay Noire… This is what were going to do.” Neptune began, draping her arm over Noire’s shoulders. “We’ll tell Chian that the building was destroyed like this before we got here. So it’s not our fault, right?”
“Neptune?” Noire began.
“Yep?” Said Neptune, smiling brightly.
“Shut up.” Said Noire, annoyed. “Let’s just block the holes and report in to Chian. Okay?”
“Right.” Neptune said. “But keep in mind what I just said.”
“Shut up Neptune!” Noire snapped.
Noire and Neptune made their way outside and started carrying things over to the factory to plug up the holes. Thanks to Neptune’s stats, she was able to carry incredibly heavy things by herself. Noire on the other hand was only able to carry certain things.
“You know Noire.” Neptune began. “If you want to get stronger, I know a great place you can go. It’s a cave filled with dragons and-”
“I’m fine.” Noire said. When the girls finally covered up all the holes the best they could, they made their way back to Chian’s factory. Before the girls went inside, Noire turned to Neptune. “Listen. Let me do the talking, okay?”
“Okay…” Neptune said, annoyed that Noire wouldn’t listen to her advice.
Noire took a deep breath, before opening the door to the factory and leading the way inside. Noire and Neptune found Chian standing in the same place she was before. “WEre back.” Noire said.
“Welcome back girls. How’d it go?” Chian asked, not looking up from her work.
“We cleared out the factory and found some debris to plug up the holes in the side, so monsters shouldn’t be able to get back in.” Noire began. “But a Heavy Tank caused some more damage. I’m sorry.” Noire said, bowing. Neptune groaned a little, but bowed as well.
“That’s alright.” Said Chian, finally taking her eyes off her work. “You girls did great. Thanks!”
“But Chian.” Noire began.
“Hunting monsters and factory work are two different things.” Chian began. “For instance, I can tell you exactly how that machine over there is going to prepare one of my products.” Chian began, gesturing towards a nearby machine. “But when it comes to monsters. They’re a bit more unpredictable. I don’t blame you if the factory got a bit more destroyed because of them. It’s unavoidable.”
“That’s what I’ve been telling Noire, but she doesn’t listen to me.” Neptune said, giggling.
“Shut up Neptune!” Noire said, under her breath.
Chian couldn’t help, but laugh. “Anyways. I’ll go ahead and transfer the credits I owe you. Do you mind stopping by tomorrow? My boys are going to need some guards, while they do work on the factory.”
“Of course.” Noire said. “Neptune and I will be happy to help.”
“Huh? I was going to take a vacation tomorrow!” Neptune cried.
“No vacations. Work!” Noire said.
“What!? No way! This has to be against some kind of labor practice law!” Neptune cried.
“There aren’t any laws protecting bums.” Said Noire. “Now let’s go Neptune.”
“Where are we going?” Neptune asked.
Noire ignored Neptune’s question and instead led the to the guild where they applied for more jobs. “Were doing even more work? When do we get a pudding break?” Neptune asked.
“No breaks.” Noire said, as she led the two girls out of the city.
Neptune and Noire fought even more monsters, but soon found themselves standing in front of the Fairy Tower. “Hello Histoire.” Noire said, as she began to access one of Fairy Tower’s terminals.
“Hello Noire. Neptune.” Histoire said. “Both of your sisters were here earlier. I sent Nepgear the location of the next Fairy Tower.”
“That’s nice.” Noire said. “Those two certainly know how to work hard, unlike that lazy bum over there.” Noire said, glancing over her shoulder at Neptune who was collapsed onto the ground.
“Lazy bum? I’ve been working my cute little fingers to the bone!” Neptune said. “Listen to this Histoire. Noire caused half a factory to collapse. It was embarrassing.”
“I did not!” Noire snapped, at Neptune. Noire shook her head, before she made her way over to Neptune and pulled the girl to her feet. “Come over here and touch the Fairy Tower.”
“Huh? Why?” Neptune asked.
“Remember? You were shot by that Heavy Tank! You need to make sure you’re completely healed.” Said Noire.
“I am. I healed myself before, remember?” Said Neptune.
“I don’t care. Touch the Fairy Tower!” Said Noire.
Neptune blushed and giggled. “Oh Noire. You’re a dirty girl. Fine, I’ll touch it but I don’t want you to watch.”
Noire’s cheeks were bright red as well and her mouth was agape. “J-Just shut up!” She cried.
Neptune sighed deeply as she made her way over to the Fairy Tower and touched the terminal. Instantly, all the aches and pains she felt before disappeared. “There. I’m at one-hundred and…” Neptune began, but stopped talking when she realized that Noire looked relieved. “I mean I’m at five percent. I need pudding or I’ll die!”
“Nice try Neptune.” Histoire said, sighing deeply.
“Thanks.” Neptune said. “You know… Now that I’m here, I wanted to ask you a question Histoire.”
“Yes?” Histoire said, noticing that Neptune sounded serious.
“You said that I’m the only one who can activate all the Fairy Towers, right?” Neptune said.
“Yes.” Said Histoire.
“Well… What if Noire and I found a Fairy Tower that needed to be activated. What if I handed the USB memory stick over to her and she inserted it into the terminal. Would it not work?” Asked Neptune.
Noire was surprised. “That’s actually a good question.” Noire said.
“I was do for one.” Said Neptune.
“Actually it would work.” Said Histoire.
Neptune crossed her arms in front of her chest and nodded. “You see? So I have an idea.” Neptune began.
“I know what you’re going to say.” Said Histoire, before Neptune could say another word. “You want to suggest that we copy the data on the USB memory stick, create multiple versions of it and send it to the other nations, correct?”
“Huh? No.” Neptune said, shaking her head. “I was just going to give the USB memory stick to Noire and let her do the rest.”
“Lazy bum.” Noire muttered under her breath.
Histoire sighed deeply. “Jokes aside. The USB memory stick that you possess can be copied, but for safety reasons only one is allowed to exist at one time.”
“Really?” Said Neptune, annoyed. “So why am I the only one who can do this?”
Histoire closed her eyes and smiled. “Because Neptune. I know no matter how much you might complain and try to get out of work, you’d never leave this job half finished. You have a determination that’s very admirable.”
Noire began pounding information wildly into the Fairy Tower’s terminal. “What are you doing?” Neptune asked.
“I think someone must have uploaded a virus into Histoire. I’m going to run a scan right now.” Said Noire, typing ferociously into the terminal.
“I don’t have a virus!” Histoire snapped. Once Noire stopped typing, Histoire sighed once more. “Anyways Neptune. Please continue working hard to activate the rest of the Fairy Towers.”
Neptune sighed herself. “Right…”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 35
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
There was no sound or light. Nothing seemed to reach the strange abyss. A young girl stood in the middle of this abyss, a vacant look in he...