Neptune had spent most of the day playing video games with Rom and Ram. She ate pudding and genuinely enjoyed spending time with the girls. That night she fell into a deep sleep and in the morning, everyone was ready to start their journey fresh. “Alright! Let’s dot his thing!” Neptune said, as she stretched her arms high above her head before stretching out her legs.
“Are you feeling better?” Rom asked, a look of concern could be seen on her face.
“Yeah.” Neptune said, nodding her head. “I’m still worried about Nep Jr., but worrying isn’t going to accomplish anything. I need to get out there and find her!” Neptune said, more determined than ever.
“Good.” Said Blanc, who had been listening in. “Today we’ll head towards the first Fairy Tower, look around there a bit before heading to the second. The sooner we get more Fairy Tower’s activated, the better chance Histoire has of contacting her.”
“Right!” Neptune said. “Normally I would suggest you three do that while I stay here and play more video games, but I won’t even joke about it.”
“Good.” Blanc said, a familiar look appeared on her face. “That joke wouldn’t have landed very well.”
“R-Right.” Neptune said, giggling nervously.
After that the girls headed outside and made their way towards the Fairy Tower. “Good morning ladies.” Histoire said, once the girls were within earshot.
“Morning Histy. How goes it?” Neptune asked. “So… Have you…?” Neptune began.
Histoire knew exactly what Neptune was asking. Histoire closed her eyes and shook her head. “I’m afraid not. Lowee security is looking for her, but they haven’t reported anything yet. Also I did receive a message from Lady White Heart. She apologized for her actions.”
“Really?” Neptune said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Let’s see that message.”
“R-Right.” Histoire said, as the fairy-like girl gestured towards a nearby terminal
Neptune and Blanc moved over to the terminal to read the message. Ram also tried to read the message, but Blanc quickly covered her eyes. “Dear Histoire…” Neptune started to read aloud. “I’m- uh sorry that I attacked those- um… girls?” Neptune stopped reading. “She’s using a lot of flowery language here.”
“Yes. She’s got a temper problem.” Histoire said.
“I want to read! I want to read!” Ram cried, trying to get Blanc to uncover her eyes.
“That message isn’t for you Ram.” Blanc said, pulling Ram away from the terminal.
“Well… Anyways.” Neptune began. “Histoire? Please, please, please keep looking for Nepgear for me? Okay?”
“Of course I will. Nepgear is very important to me as well.” Histoire said, nodding.
“Thanks. Were heading towards the next Fairy Tower.” Neptune said, as she pulled out the N-Gear and began pressing commands into it.
“Histoire? If Nepgear does come back to this specific Fairy Tower, could you tell her to go to my house? It would be better if she holed up there for a while until we come back.” Said Blanc.
“Of course.” Said Histoire, nodding.
“Thanks.” Said Blanc. “The way to open the door is simple. She just needs to pull down on the knob. The lock is incredibly heavy, but I’m sure she’s strong enough to lift it.”
“Right.” Said Histoire. “I promise, I’ll look after her.”
Blanc nodded, before making her way over to Neptune who was looking down at the N-Gear. Displayed on the N-Gear’s screen was a map of Lowee. “Is that our next destination?” Blanc asked, pointing at a red dot on the screen.
“Yep! That’s numéro deux of our Lowee’s Fairy Tower tour.” Neptune said.
“I see…” Blanc said, narrowing her eyes at the screen. “That looks like Lowee’s Snowfield.”
“Is it dangerous there?” Neptune asked.
“It’s got a few strong monsters.” Said Blanc. “Neptune? Do you mind helping me keep an eye on my sisters? They’re pretty tough, but they’re still children.”
“Of course! I always look out for my team!” Neptune said, saluting.
“Thank you.” Blanc said, before turning to Rom and Ram. Blanc saw that her sisters were standing in front of Histoire. The girls looked like they were lost in a conversation.
“So? Do you have any video games?” Ram asked.
“I’m afraid not.” Histoire said.
“Boo! That sounds boring.” Ram said.
“Not at all. I don’t have the ability to feel boredom. Nor do I get tired, get angry, or nervous. I do mimic those feelings when appropriate, but I can’t actually have them.” Said Histoire. “Though… I do remember feeling nervous when a certain someone asked if she could take my Fairy Tower apart.”
Neptune smiled a small smile. “That sounds like Nepgear.” Neptune thought.
“Alright ladies. Say goodbye to Histoire. It’s time to go.” Blanc said, clapping her hands together.
“Boo!” Ram said, annoyed. “Anyways. Bye Histoire.”
“Bye, bye Histoire.” Rom said.
“Goodbye girls. Be good and listen to your big sisters.” Said Histoire.
“Ooh! I’m a temporary big sister?” Neptune said, pointing at herself.
“That’s right.” Histoire said. “Which means it’s up to you to lead by example. So no being a picky eater, no fighting over trivial matters and no staying up late playing video games.”
“Failed that test already.” Blanc said, a smirk appeared on her face.
“Ah man… This stinks…” Neptune said, her shoulders sagged. Rom and Ram ran over to Neptune and Blanc, after that they started making their way to Lowee’s Snowfield. As the girls walked, Rom and Ram kept running ahead, grabbing snowballs and throwing them at each other.
At one point Ram almost threw one at Blanc, but a single look from Blanc told her not to even try it.
“So. How far away is Lowee’s Snowfield?” Neptune asked.
“It should take us a few days to reach it. We’ll actually pass through several villages on our way, so I’d like to stop at least one of them for the night. I don’t like the idea of Rom and Ram camping out in this weather.” Said Blanc.
“Sure. I don’t mind!” Neptune said. “Staying in a village will make it easier to find Nepgear. Or for her to find us.”
“I agree.” Said Blanc.
The girls continued to walk, but stopped when they spotted a monster in the distance. The creature was humanoid in shape, but it’s body looked like it was made up of crystals. “Ice Golem.” Histoire said, narrowing her eyes at the creature.
“Is it tough?” Neptune asked.
Histoire shook her head. “Not really, but it might make good practice.” Said Blanc, as she held out her hand and summoned her weapon. Neptune was surprised to see Blanc wielded a giant hammer in her hands.
“Rom? Ram? With me.” Blanc said.
“Right!” Rom and Ram said, nearly in unison. Considering how soft spoken Rom was, she spoke a second after Ram did.
Rom and Ram summoned their weapons as well. They looked like pens, but were actually wands. “Let’s do this!” Ram said, narrowing her eyes at the Ice Golem.
“Yeah!” Rom said, nodding.
Blanc suddenly rushed forwards while Ram and Rom waved their wands. Magical energy appeared above the Ice Golem and started striking the monster. The Ice Golem turned it’s attention towards the girls and started floating over to them, but before it could get close Blanc appeared in front of it and swung her hammer hard.
The impact of Blanc’s hammer caused the Ice Golem to explode on impact. Nothing remained of the strange creature.
“Whoa!” Neptune said. “You three are awesome together!”
“Yeah, duh!” Ram said, a mischievous smile appeared on her face.
Neptune’s smile vanished when she noticed they had been surrounded. Creatures that looked like ghosts had appeared around them. The ghosts were blue in color and had large white eyes with black pupils. They also had a single antenna looking appendage poking out of the top of their heads, though some of these ghosts wore pink ribbons around them.
“Call Boy and Cold Girl monsters.” Blanc said, sighing deeply. “These things aren’t too bad.”
“Well I’m sure you three can take them, but what kind of girl would I be if I just stood here watching?” Neptune asked, as she summoned her katana. Neptune leapt at a group of the Call Boy and Cold Girl monsters and swung her sword. The katana sliced through several of the creatures destroying them utterly.
The monsters nearby began swarming around Neptune, but the girl was easily able to defeat them. “Oh no you don’t!” Neptune said, as she swung her sword and cut one of the creatures in two.
Blanc, Rom and Ram continued fighting as well. Blanc swung her giant hammer wildly, while Rom and Ram continued to use magic to reign energy attacks down on the creatures.
After a few moments of fighting, the monsters were completely decimated. “We did it!” Neptune said, cheerfully.
“Very good you two.” Blanc said.
“Yeah. We were awesome.” Neptune said, smiling proudly.
“She was talking to us you dork.” Ram said.
“Yeah. Us.” Said Rom.
“Oh, you flatter me.” Neptune said, blushing and waving her left hand dismissively.
“She’s not listening.” Ram said, in a small, bemused voice.
After Blanc sent her weapon away, she gestured for her sisters and Neptune to continue following her. The girls continued to walk for several long hours. Every once in a while they would have to fight another monster, but not that many got in their way. Soon the girls came to a village.
“This is the village I’d like us to stay in for the night.” Blanc said, turning to Neptune. “I’m sure my sisters are tired and hungry.”
“So hungry.” Ram said.
“Need food.” Said Rom, patting her tummy.
Neptune nodded. “I don’t mind. Just as long as they have some pudding and pudding oh and some pudding!”
Blanc led the girls through the village. “Here’s the hotel.” Blanc said, pointing at a nearby building.
Neptune was surprised once more. The hotel didn’t look like a regular building. Instead it looked like an enormous mushroom. “Is this a mushroom?” Neptune asked, pointing at the building.
“Yes?” Blanc said, furrowing her brows.
“Okay.” Neptune said, wondering if she had asked something strange.
The girls stepped into the giant mushroom building. The first room the girls stepped into was rather large. Despite the building being a mushroom, the floors, walls and ceiling were made of wood. A counter was located on the left side of the room and a staircase leading upwards was located on the right side.
“Hello.” Blanc said, stepping up to the room. “Can we get a room please?”
“Of course.” The lady behind the counter said. After paying the receptionist for the room, the girls took the key and headed up to the second floor. “This is us.” Blanc said.
“Wait…” Neptune began, looking around for a moment. “Do we get the entire second floor?”
“Yes?” Blanc said, furrowing her brows once more.
“Okay.” Neptune said, nodding. “Another stupid question?” Neptune wondered to herself.
Blanc slid the key into the lock and turned. After that the door was swung open and the girls could go inside. The room was rather large. Two beds were located on the right side of the room and two more were located on the left side. A table was located near the back of the room and a bathroom was located near the front entrance.
“This place is nice!” Ram said, finding a bed and bouncing on it.
“I’m sleeping here.” Rom said, jumping on Ram’s bed as well.
“This is nice.” Neptune said, glancing around. “So Blanc… About the money. Let me pay you back, okay?”
“No need.” Said Blanc. “It wasn’t that expensive.”
“Great.” Neptune said. “Well at least let me buy dinner for everyone.”
Blanc thought about arguing, but quickly changed her mind. “Sounds good. Thank you Neptune.”
“Of course, of course.” Neptune said, placing her hands on her hips. “So? What does everyone want to eat?”
Neptune took everyone’s orders. After getting some directions from the lady behind the counter, she set out to find a restaurant. As Neptune walked through the small village, she kept her eyes open for any signs of Nepgear.
“Nepgear? Are you here or what?” Neptune wondered, as she moved through the streets of the village.
When Neptune reached the restaurant she placed her order. While waiting she asked a few people if they’ve seen Nepgear, but all of them shook their heads. “Sorry. Is she missing?” A lady asked.
“Yeah. For a few days now.” Neptune said.
“Oh no. That’s horrible.” The woman said.
“You should contact Lowee’s security. I’m sure they can help.” Said a man.
“We did, but I still have to keep looking myself.” Said Neptune, sighing deeply.
“Of course.” The man said, nodding his head. “We’ll keep an eye out for her. If we find her we’ll contact Lowee security.”
“Thanks!” Neptune said, smiling brightly.
After Neptune collected the food for herself, Blanc, Rom and Ram she headed back to the hotel. Once again, Neptune kept an eye out for Nepgear, but couldn’t find her anywhere.
“I’m back!” Neptune said, as she carefully opened her rooms door.
“Food!” Ram said, throwing her hands triumphantly into the air. “I thought I was going to starve!”
“Sorry about that.” Neptune said, giggling.
“You’re fine.” Said Blanc. “So did you learn anything?”
Neptune shook her head. “Just that the restaurant I went to has the best pudding ever! It’s like magic!” Neptune said, as she sat the bags of food down on the table. Neptune reached into one of the bags and pulled out the pudding she was referring to. The pudding was white and blue in color and had a bunch of sprinkles on it. “I didn’t know you could make pudding like this!”
“Is that pudding?” Ram wondered.
“Of course!” Neptune said, as she pulled off the lid and stuck a spoon into it. “Magic pudding!”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 92
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
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