The following day Neptune, Nepgear, Vert and 5pb. headed outside. Each carried a backpack on their backs. Instead of heading out of the small village and making their way to the second Fairy Tower, they instead made their way to the nearest supermarket. The girls grabbed as much food as they could and stuffed their backpacks full of it. The girls also made sure to grab some drinks to keep them hydrated.
“Hey Vert?” Neptune began, noticing her new friend also carried another bag that was slung over her shoulders. “What’s in there?”
“I brought a tea set as well. I would love having afternoon tea with everyone.” Vert explained.
“Oh…” Said Neptune, who wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about having tea.
“And don’t you worry Neptune. I promise I have some tea you’re just going to love!” Said Vert, folding her hands together and smiling brightly.
“Cool!” Neptune said, flashing a thumbs-up-sign.
“Is everyone ready?” Asked Nepgear, as she met her sister and Vert at the front of the shop.
“Everyone except 5pb….” Neptune said, noticing their bard hadn’t returned yet from shopping.
A few moments later 5pb. appeared carrying her backpack in her hands. “Sorry about that. I couldn’t make up my mind on what kind of snacks I wanted to get. There are so many and I didn’t want to get anything anyone wouldn’t like.”
“Oh don’t worry about that dear. Just buy what you’d like to eat. Besides this shopping trip just involves getting provisions for everyone.”
“We loaded up, huh?” Said Nepgear. “I doubt we’ll have to make too many stops to fill back up.”
“Yeah. I got a bunch of good stuff!” Said Neptune, but quickly noticed a look in Nepgear’s eyes. “I didn’t just get pudding. Don’t worry.”
“Oh I wasn’t thinking about that.” Said Nepgear. “I was actually thinking about the city of Leanbox.” Nepgear hesitated for a few moments before she continued. “I know it’s not the point of our visit, but I’m kind of hoping that we’d be able to see the city at least once. That way I can brag to Uni that we’ve seen all the nations capitol cities.” Said Nepgear.
“Oh? Who’s this Uni person?” Vert asked.
“She’s a friend I made back in Lastation. She’s Noire’s little sister.” Said Nepgear.
“Oh my! I hope I can meet her someday.” Said Vert.
“See that Nepgear? She already wants to replace you as a little sister.” Neptune smiled proudly as she draped her arm over Nepgear’s shoulders. “Of course since were already sisters I love you and would never replace you!”
“That’s nonsense.” Vert said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “I would never replace Nepgear, but I’m open to adopting more little sisters! My love is as big as my chest!” The girl declared.
“It always comes back to your boobs, huh?” Asked Neptune, while Nepgear giggled .
“If were finished here, should we head back to your house Vert?” 5pb. asked.
“Uh… Unless someone needs to use the restroom or something else, we can start our journey now.” Said Vert.
“I’m fine.” Said Nepgear. Neptune shook her head.
“I’m fine. I was just asking.” Said 5pb..
“Okay. Let’s get going girls!” Said Vert. “Nepgear? What direction should we start walking?”
Nepgear removed her N-Gear from it’s holster and looked down at the screen. “Once we leave the shop, were headed north.” With those words, the girls headed outside and turned north. A few moments later the girls were outside the small village and making their way to the next Fairy Tower.
As the girls walked, Neptune made sure to keep an eye on Vert who kept inching closer and closer to Nepgear. Just when Neptune was certain Vert was going to glomp her sister, she began walking away. “Is Vert teasing me or something?” Neptune wondered to herself.
“Look!” Vert said, halting in her tracks.
Neptune looked past Vert who had been leading the charge and saw a group of Horsebird monsters heading towards them. The creatures stamped their hooves angrily as they moved closer and closer to the group.
“Oh! These things look easy to beat.” Neptune said, as she summoned her katana.
“Huh… Something looks odd about these Horsebird’s.” Said 5pb., scratching her chin thoughtfully.
“Aww! Don’t you worry. I’ll beat the mean ole monsters for you!” Neptune said, patting 5pb. on the head.
“Huh? No I’m not scared it’s-” Before 5pb. could finish explaining what it was that worried her, Neptune was racing across the field heading straight for the group of Horsebird monsters.
“Sis! Wait!” Nepgear cried.
Neptune leapt into the air. “Take this!” She screamed. Before Neptune’s attack could land, all the air in the area was suddenly sucked away and a bright light threatened to blind Neptune. Suddenly the girl was engulfed in flames and being thrown several yards backwards.
Neptune screamed loudly before she slammed into the ground and rolled several feet until she finally came to a stop. “Owie.” Neptune said, dully. “I demand a do over.”
“Neptune!” Nepgear cried, as she ran over to her sister and held out her hands. “HEAL!”
Neptune’s body was engulfed in a bright light and all the damage she sustained was healed. After that, Nepgear fell to her knees next to her sister and helped her to sit up. “Are you okay Neptune?”
“I’m fine.” Said Neptune. “That looked worse than it really was.”
“I thought so.” 5pb. said, who was now holding her guitar. “Those monsters are called Horsebird CAW. They’re pretty strong, but I think Vert and I can deal with them.”
“I can deal with them too. I just wasn’t expecting them to blow me up!” Neptune said, as she was helped to her feet by Nepgear.
5pb., Vert, Neptune and Nepgear now stood side-by-side as they faced down the herd of Horsebird CAW monsters.
5pb. lifted her hand, located between her fingers was a guitar pick. 5pb. closed her eyes and held her hand over her head for a few moments before she suddenly brought her hand down hard and fast.
The Horsebird CAW monsters roared as several balls of energy shot out of the guitar and struck the creatures multiple times, causing them to turn away from the girls. After that, Vert rushed forwards and sliced down the middle of the herd. She managed to kill four the creatures before coming to a stop.
Neptune and Nepgear leapt at the herd of the monsters. Neptune managed to kill two, while Nepgear finished off the rest.
“Huh… Didn’t we do this yesterday?” Neptune asked, after feeling a sense of Déjà vu.
“Yeah, well Horsebird monsters can be strong depending on their species, but you can deal with them roughly the same way.” Said Vert. “Anyways, are you sure you’re okay Neptune?”
“I’m alright.” Neptune said. “Sorry about that.”
“As long as you’re okay.” Said Vert.
Neptune suddenly felt suspicious. “Wait a second. Is Vert concerned or is she hoping I eat the dust or something?” Neptune wondered, as she pulled off her backpack and sat it on the ground.
“Neptune?” Nepgear began, furrowing her brows in confusion.
“I’m fine! See?” Neptune said, as she started doing several cartwheels and then did a large flip. Neptune landed gracefully on her feet just a few feet away from Vert.
“Oh my! You’re very flexible!” Vert said.
“Goodness sis. I didn’t know you could do that!” Nepgear said, surprised.
“Never underestimate this Nep!” Neptune said, as she made her way back over to her backpack and swung it over her shoulders. After that the girls continued their journey to the next Fairy Tower.
As they walked, they ran into other monsters, but most of them ignored the girls as they passed. Soon the sun started to set over the horizon and the girls decided to set up camp for the night.
Neptune and Vert gathered fire wood, while Nepgear and 5pb. got things ready for them. 5pb. pulled things out of her backpack for dinner while Nepgear set up their tents. When Neptune and Vert returned with their arms full of firewood, they dumped their catch next to the fire.
“So 5pb. what’s for dinner?” Neptune asked.
“Soup!” Said 5pb..
“Aww…” Neptune said, her shoulders sagged.
5pb. and Nepgear both started laughing. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” 5pb. said, as she began pulling out several pots and canisters from her backpack. “I’m actually making a curry tonight.”
“Curry?!” Neptune said, her eyes started sparkling like the stars in the sky above. “Yeah! I love curry!”
“It’s been a while since we ate any.” Said Nepgear, as she tried to remember the last time she and her sister sat down to eat some.
“5pb.’s curry is the best. You two are in for a treat!” Vert said, as she took a seat in front of the fire.
Nepgear soon joined the other girls after she finished setting up two tents. “5pb.? Do you need any help getting things ready?” Nepgear asked.
5pb. shook her head. “That’s alright Nepgear. I appreciate the offer though.” And with that 5pb. started making her special curry. As the girl cooked her meal, the others watched intently.
When the curry was finally finished, Nepgear retrieved four plates and passed them out. Soon each girl had a plate of delicious looking curry. “Thanks for the food!” The four girls said, before they started eating.
“Whoa! This is delicious!” Neptune said, as she shoveled the curry into her mouth.
“I’m glad you like it!” 5pb. said, blushing a little.
“I told you. 5pb. is a genius when it comes to making curry!” Said Vert, pointing at Neptune using her spoon.
“Oh please. I’m not that good.” Said 5pb., blushing even more.
As Neptune continued to eat her meal, the girl couldn’t help but start to enjoy herself. “This is actually pretty fun. I mean I loved hanging out with lonely Noire, but it’s fun having to camp out like this.” Said Neptune.
“You and Noire never camped out?” Nepgear asked.
“A few times.” Said Neptune. “Noire was all business all the time though, but it was still fun.”
“Is Noire really that lonely?” Vert asked, she was starting to feel bad for a girl she had never known.
“She’s not. Noire is the only one who says that.” Said Nepgear, before she continued eating her curry.
“Oh no. She’s lonely.” Said Neptune, giggling mischievously.
“Anyways.” Vert said, changing the subject. “I’m really glad you’re enjoying yourself, but I have a feeling that things are going to start getting harder. The Horsebird monsters we fought are powerful, but they aren’t the only monsters roaming Leanbox.” Said Vert.
“I get that.” Said Neptune. “Don’t worry. I won’t run off on my own or anything like that.”
“That’s good.” Said Nepgear. “I was worried when you exploded.”
“As long as we all work together we’ll be fine.” Said Vert.
5pb. opened her mouth to say something, but quickly changed her mind. “I don’t want to put a damper on anyone’s good mood right now.” The girl thought, as she finished the rest of her curry.
After the other girls finished their curry as well, Nepgear took the plates and began washing them off using water and soap. After the dishes were clean, she gently placed them back into her backpack.
“Well… I guess we should get some sleep.” Said Nepgear, turning to Vert, Neptune and 5pb..
“Very well, but I might have some trouble sleeping.” Said Vert, fidgeting in her seat. “If I don’t have a cute, little sister-like girl to cuddle with tonight, then I’m afraid I’ll never get any rest.”
Neptune sighed deeply. “Vert?” She began.
“Yes Neptune?” Asked Vert, hopefully.
“Good luck with all that! Let’s go Nepgear!” Neptune said, taking Nepgear by the hand and leading her to their tent.
“Oh poo…” Said Vert, sighing herself.
“It’s okay Vert. I’ll cuddle with you.” 5pb. offered.
“Thanks 5pb.. You’re very sweet.” Said Vert.
“You’re welcome Vert.” Said 5pb., before she and her friend headed into their tent next. Soon everyone fell into a deep sleep.
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 61
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
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