Noire tried to sleep that night, but all she could think about was her conversation with Black Heart and Black Sister. She also couldn’t get the story that Uni and Nepgear told her about G. “What is going on?” Noire wondered to herself, as she continued to roll around in her bed. “First we have to worry about the Fairy Towers, then my sister gets attacked by this G person and that strange conversation with Black Heart and Black Sister.” Noire thought to herself.
Noire wasn’t sure how long she had been laying there, but soon light started streaming through her bedroom window. The moment Noire noticed that it was morning, she started to feel exhausted.
“Great…” Noire breathed, as she threw her blankets off of her.
Noire quickly changed into her regular clothes before heading downstairs. Uni was busily preparing breakfast while Nepgear helped with smaller things. “Good morning.” Noire said, dreamily heading into the kitchen.
“Morning sis.” Uni said. “I’m making breakfast this morning and…” Uni began, but stopped speaking when she noticed just how exhausted her sister looked. “Noire. You don’t look so good. Maybe you should take the day off.”
Noire smiled and shook her head. “Thanks Uni, but I’ll be okay. I’ll just drink some tea and ask heal myself using the Fairy Tower.”
“That’s a good idea.” Said Uni.
Noire took a seat at the breakfast table while Nepgear placed a cup of hot tea in front of her. “Here you go.” Said Nepgear.
“Thanks Nepgear. I appreciate it.” She said, taking up the cup and sipping the black liquid. “Neptune’s still asleep, huh?”
“Well…” Nepgear began.
Neptune suddenly trudged into the kitchen. She looked just as exhausted as Noire did. “Oh man. I could use a cup of hot pudding right now.”
Nepgear giggled. “I’ll get you some hot tea instead.”
“As long as it’s hot and pudding flavored and is actually pudding.” Said Neptune, sitting down at the table on Noire’s left side.
“What’s wrong with you?” Noire asked, eyeing Neptune suspiciously. “Playing video games all night?”
“Well… Yes, but only cause I couldn’t sleep.” Said Neptune. “I don’t know about you Noire, but everything’s been bugging me lately. The Fairy Towers, G and those weirdo goddesses.”
“Hey!” Noire said, annoyed.
“Come on Noire! Didn’t you see how they were acting? It was so weird!” Neptune said, closing her eyes and placing her hands behind her head. “I mean. I know I never met those two before, but it’s hard to believe they’ve been running Lastation like that this entire time!”
Noire wanted to argue, but she knew that Neptune had a good point. “What were the goddesses of Planeptune like?”
“Well… Purple Heart liked pudding and Purple Sister was kind of a crybaby. I actually worried about her quite a bit.” Neptune said.
“Yeah?” Noire said. “To be honest. I felt really bad for Black Sister. I was surprised how blunt Black Heart was with her.”
“I know, right? Telling your sister that you wouldn’t be proud of her is just mean!” Neptune said, annoyed. “She needs to go back to big sister school!”
Noire nodded, despite how nonsensical Neptune sounded. “Well we can’t really do anything about it. She is the leader of Lastation after all and she is aware of our quest.” Said Noire.
“Yeah, but here’s my problem.” Said Neptune. “Do you really trust that those two are going to look for G and this Pirachu rat?”
“Well…” Noire began, thinking about it. “I don’t know. I want to say yes, but it’s hard to say.”
“You see?” Said Neptune.
“I see where you’re coming from Neptune, but right now we have more important things to worry about. We just have to trust that the goddesses will deal with this.” Said Noire, matter-of-factly.
“Big sis?” Nepgear began, as she sat a cup of hot tea down in front of her sister. “Maybe you should let it go for right now.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Said Neptune, sighing deeply.
“Don’t get me wrong. The idea that someone experimented on our sisters enrages me.” Said Noire, her voice was filled with venom.
“Same here. I want to give this G and Pirachu a Nep-smack!” Said Neptune, clenching her hands into tight fists.
“What’s a Nep-smack?” Noire asked.
“It’s a regular smack, except I yell Nep as I do it!” Neptune explained.
Noire giggled. “Thanks for clearing that up.” She said, taking another sip of her tea. “Anyways. Thanks to all the excitement of yesterday, I forgot to tell you two where the next Fairy Tower is.”
“Oh that’s right.” Nepgear said, shaking her head. “I forgot you two went to ask Histoire about that yesterday.”
“Yeah.” Said Noire. “Histoire actually told us that the next Fairy Tower is located in an abandoned nature park.”
“A nature park, huh?” Said Nepgear.
“We actually have to go past the first Fairy Tower to reach it. Unfortunately this trip will take us about a day and a night.” Said Noire. “So with that said. I would feel more comfortable if you two came with us, but I also think that would be a bad idea.” Said Noire.
“Why bad?” Asked Nepgear.
“We need to keep taking on quests to earn credits.” Said Uni. “Bills are pretty high around here.”
“Oh.” Nepgear said, surprised.
“Yeah… So with that said, I want you two to promise me you’ll be careful. Okay?” Said Noire.
“Yeah Nepgear and Uni. No taking candy from strangers! I don’t care how handsome they are or how delicious the candy is.” Said Neptune.
“We’ll be careful.” Said Nepgear, with a smile.
“We will. Don’t worry.” Said Uni, trying to sound as confident as she could.
“Good. That’s what I wanted to hear.” Said Noire.
“Now Nep Jr.. Are you trying to be brave or are you sure you’ll be okay without your big sister to bug you?” Neptune asked.
“I’ll be okay.” Said Nepgear.
“Did you hear that Noire?” Neptune asked, pretending to burst into tears. “My sister doesn’t need me anymore!”
“I-I didn’t say that!” Nepgear said, surprised.
Noire sighed deeply. “Oh geesh.” She and Uni said in unison.
After everyone finished their breakfasts Noire and Neptune grabbed a few backpacks and filled them with supplies. “Are you sure you don’t mind me borrowing your backpack?” Noire asked Nepgear.
“Not at all. Please use it all you want.” Said Nepgear.
“Thanks!” Noire said. “And don’t worry. I’ll take good care of it.”
After the girls finished packing for their trip they headed for the front door. “Alright. Were going out to activate the next Fairy Tower.”
An hour later Noire and Neptune had stepped up to the first Fairy Tower they had met at. “Morning Histoire.” Neptune said, to the small fairy like girl.
“Good morning you two. Are you off to activate the third Fairy Tower?” Asked Histoire.
“Yeah. Noire’s being a real slave driver this morning.” Neptune said, sighing deeply.
“Yeah that’s me alright.” Noire said, rolling her eyes. “Anyways Histoire. I was hoping you could do me a few favors.”
“Favors?” Histoire asked, furrowing her brow.
“Yes. Remember how you increased the healing capabilities for Linda when she couldn’t sleep? Could you do that for me right now?” Asked Noire.
“You couldn’t sleep either?” Asked Histoire.
“That’ll actually bring me to my next favor, but first heal please?” Said Noire.
Histoire nodded. “Of course. Please touch the Fairy Tower.”
Noire did as she was told and touched the Fairy Tower. Instantly all the drowsiness and fatigue she felt disappeared. Now she felt like she had actually gotten a good night sleep. “Thanks Histoire. I feel much better now.”
“Of course, but please remember. My healing ability doesn’t compare to getting an actual nights rest.” Said Histoire. “With that said. What’s your next favor?”
“Well…” Noire told Histoire everything that took place the previous day. She talked about Pirachu and G and the goddesses reaction.”
“I see.” Histoire said. “First off. Pirachu is a rodent like creature that lives in Lastation. I am aware of him, but where he lives is currently unknown to me. As for G. I’m not aware of who that could possible refer to. I can speculate that the name belongs to someone who’s name starts with the letter G.”
“And the goddesses?” Asked Noire.
“Yes. Their attitude does seem strange to me as well.” Said Histoire.
“Do you think they could be evil clones or something?” Asked Neptune.
“Well… No.” Histoire said, shaking her head. “As far as I can tell. They are the real goddess and goddess candidate of Lastation. As far as their attitudes go. I’m not sure what to say.”
“Well those are the reasons why I couldn’t sleep. Histoire… Could you please keep looking into this for me?” Noire asked.
“Of course. It would be my pleasure.” Said Histoire, bowing.
“Thanks!” Said Noire, turning to Neptune. “Alright pudding girl. It’s time to go!”
“Right.” Neptune said. “I mean boo!”
Noire and Neptune made their way towards the national park. As they walked, the girls encountered all kinds of monsters. Noire and Neptune fought side-by-side and defeated quite a few of them.
“You’re pretty good Noire.” Neptune said. “I guess that’s not too surprising considering how hard you work.”
“Thanks. You’re not bad either despite how lazy you are.” Said Noire.
“Gee! I was being nice!” Neptune said, annoyed.
“Sorry about that.” Noire said. “You’re a good fighter too.”
Neptune took a few steps away from Noire. “Now you’re creeping me out. You weren’t replaced with a clone were you?” She asked.
“Gee… And here I was trying to be nice.” Noire said.
Neptune and Noire continued to walk until they finally reached the national park. The girls were a bit surprised to see that there weren’t any monsters around. “Well that’s new.” Neptune said, as she made her way to the Fairy Tower. After fishing out the USB memory stick she stuck it into the USB port on the terminal and waited.
“Yeah, but I’m sure there’s something lurking around here.” Said Noire.
Just as Noire finished speaking, a large bird suddenly glided in front of them. The bird was large and it looked like it was completely mechanical. “You just had to jinx us.” Neptune said, sighing deeply.
“Sorry.” Noire said, scratching her right cheek.
Neptune and Noire launched themselves at the mechanical bird. The bird turned it’s body towards the girls and began flapping its wings. “Whoa!” Neptune cried, as a gust of wind hit her and knocked her backwards.
Noire too was hit by the wind and landed gracefully a few yards away from the mechanical creature. “This thing is tough!” Noire cried.
Neptune landed several yards away. The moment her feet touched the ground she began running around the large bird leaving a wide birth between her and it. The creature roared loudly as it turned its body so it could keep Neptune in it’s sights.
“Good work Neptune!” Noire thought, as she rushed forwards. Once Noire was close enough, she leapt into the air and began swinging her rapier wildly. The girl’s blade sliced through the bird several times, causing the creature to roar loudly and hold out it’s wings as far as it could.
The moment the creature did this, an explosion of energy shot out of the creature knocking Noire away. “Crap!” Noire cursed, as she fell on the ground.
The bird turned it’s eyes towards Noire. At first the creature looked like it was trying to size Noire up, but soon it launched it’s beak at Noire.
Noire quickly dodged to the left and right, avoiding the beak by mere inches, but suddenly the creature grabbed Noire’s arms using it’s feet and forced the girl onto the ground.
Noire winced in pain. She tried to pull herself free, but the creature was too strong. “Get off me!” Noire screamed.
The creature ignored her. Instead it peered into her eyes and reeled back its head ready to strike.
“This is it.” Noire thought, bitterly as she closed her eyes and awaited her death. “I’m going to die and leave Uni all alone. Neptune? Please take care of Uni for me.”
Noire opened her eyes when the pressure on her body suddenly vanished. “Huh?” She began. The giant mechanical bird was gone and now Neptune stood over her. “Neptune? What happened?” She asked.
“I defeated the bird!” Neptune said, smiling brightly. “You didn’t actually think I would let that stupid robot bird peck my good friend, did you?” She asked.
Noire felt a lump form in her throat. “Uh… Shut up. I could have killed that bird you know!” Noire said, as she slowly got to her feet. “But thanks I guess.”
“Classic tsundere!” Neptune said.
Noire sighed deeply. “Anyways, is the Fairy Tower activated? We need to get home.”
“We need to camp out. Remember?” Neptune asked, as she took off her backpack and removed a sleeping bag.
“Oh right.” Noire said, annoyed that she had forgotten. “I’ll get some sticks so I can build a fire. You set everything up.” Noire said, handing Neptune her backpack as well.
Neptune saluted. “Righty-o!” She said.
Histoire watched from the Fairy Tower as Neptune started rolling out the sleeping bags and pulling out food, while Noire disappeared into the surrounding trees to grab firewood. “I think they both forgot about me.” Histoire said, sadly.
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Friday, February 10, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 41
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
There was no sound or light. Nothing seemed to reach the strange abyss. A young girl stood in the middle of this abyss, a vacant look in he...