Neptune, Nepgear, Vert and Marvy continued their journey to the fourth Fairy Tower. As the girls moved further and further away from Leanbox, they wondered what kinds of monsters and people they would run into next. The sun was shining brightly that day and a warm breeze blew through their hair as they marched forwards.
“One thing I can say about having to go on these long walks, is that I’m getting plenty of exercise.” Neptune said, though her voice didn’t make it sound like she was happy about that.
“That is true. Exercise is important.” Nepgear said.
“HOWEVER!” Neptune said, in a loud voice. “I’m not running for the fittest girl in the world. I’m tired of having to walk everywhere! Remember in Planeptune? We got to ride a train once! I miss the train!”
Nepgear giggled. “Yeah. MAGES. train was nice. If I could ride it again, I’d finally be able to see how it actually worked.”
“What was so special about this train?” Asked Vert.
“Well for one we didn’t have to drive it.” Said Neptune. “Also we had our own room to relax in while it took us to our next destination.” Neptune said, looking towards the horizon, a small sparkle could be seen in her eyes.
“I see…” Vert said. “That does sound nice, but walking can be nice too. I mean if we drove everywhere our journey would be over sooner.”
“Yeah, sounds nice.” Said Neptune, sighing deeply.
Vert’s shoulders sagged. “I didn’t realize traveling with us was so bad.” Said Vert.
“Are you kidding?” Neptune interjected. “The reason I’m still on this quest is because of you guys! I’m just saying that I could do without the walking. Besides, even when this quest is over you’ll still be my buddy!”
“Really? I’m glad to hear it!” Said Vert.
“Yeah. I’m already planning some all night game sessions with you, Noire, Uni and everyone else!” Said Neptune. “So no offense Vert, but you’re going to need a bigger house to hold all of us. Chip chop chip!”
Vert couldn’t help, but laugh. “I’ll get right on that Neptune.”
The girls continued walking for most of the day and just as the sun was about to set over the horizon, a small village came into view. “Hey! I see a village.” Nepgear said, pointing at the village.
“Wait…” Neptune began, before anyone took a step towards the village. “I don’t see any giant walls or giant rodents. Once we make sure they aren’t called New New Leanbox, we’ll see if they have any rooms.”
“Good idea.” Said Marvy.
And with that, the four girls made their way towards the village. By the time they reached it, the sun had set over the horizon. The only lights the girls could see was coming from the buildings.
The village was small and looked like it was made up of at least twenty buildings. Two of those buildings looked like shops, while the others looked like homes. The streets of the village looked like they were made up of cobblestone. “This is a cute little village.” Vert said. “Kind of reminds me of the one I live in.”
“It’s nice alright, but where’s a hotel?” Nepgear wondered aloud.
“Can I help you?” Came a gruff voice. The girls turned and spotted a Leanbox security guard standing a few feet away from him. The man wore dark green armor and carried a laser rifle in his arms.
“Howdy! Were looking for a hotel.” Neptune said, saluting.
“No hotels. Sorry.” The man said, shaking his head.
“Oh…” Nepgear said, disappointed.
“Where are you four from?” The man asked, looking the four girls over.
“Well… That’s a bit of a long story.” Said Nepgear. “Were actually traveling around activating the Fairy Towers. Have you heard of them?”
“Yeah.” The man said, but the girls weren’t entirely sure if he was telling the truth or not. “Anyways, you’ve hunted monsters before, right?”
“That’s right.” Neptune said, smiling proudly. “We might not look like it, but were basically monster hunting pros!”
“You’re right. You don’t look like it.” The man said, coldly. “Anyways. Were having a bit of a monster problem around here. If you agree to help, then I’m willing to put you up for the night. If not, you can spend the night over there.” The man said, gesturing towards an empty lot. The lot wasn’t very big and it didn’t look comfortable to sleep in either.
“What kind of monster problem?” Nepgear asked.
“We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Do you agree or not?” The man asked.
Neptune, Nepgear, Vert and Marvy exchanged looks. “He must be desperate.” Said Marvy.
“He’s kind of a meanie.” Said Neptune, her arms were dangling by her sides.
“True, but hunting monsters is in our wheelhouse. Might as well give it a shot.” Said Vert.
“Okay.” Said Nepgear, turning to the man. “We’ll deal with the monsters for you.”
“Good.” The man said, not really showing any signs of emotion. “Follow me.” The man said, turning towards a nearby building. The man slid a key into a lock and opened the door. After turning on a few lights he stepped inside.
The building looked like a restaurant. A counter was located at the far end of the room with a kitchen located on the other side. The floor was covered in circular tables with stools sitting on top of them. Located near the counter was a wooden staircase leading to a second floor. “There’s some rooms on the second floor. Help yourselves to any of them. The door that’s locked is mine. Stay out of it.”
“Yes sir.” Nepgear said, nodding.
“I have to patrol for the rest of the night. Be up at nine. That’s when the restaurant opens.” The man said.
“Will do.” Neptune said.
After the man watched the Neptune and her friends cross the restaurants floor and start climbing the steps, he turned off the lights and closed the door to the restaurant. “Not exactly friendly is he?” Neptune muttered.
“You shouldn’t talk about him Neptune.” Said Nepgear. “He might be going through a lot right now.”
“That’s true.” Said Vert. “Let’s hear him out tomorrow.”
The girls found a room they could sleep in. They were each delighted to see that they had beds they could rest in. “Good night ladies.” Neptune said, after crawling underneath some warm blankets. “See you in the morning.”
The following morning Neptune, Nepgear, Vert and Marvy headed downstairs. The sound of someone cooking in the kitchen struck the girls ears and the sweet smell of bacon frying wafted into their nostrils.
“Good morning!” Neptune said, jumping in front of the counter. To Neptune’s surprise she didn’t see the man from the previous day, instead she spotted a young girl. The girl had long black hair and dark brown eyes.
“Good morning.” The girl said, smiling warmly at Neptune. “My names Jane. Have a seat. Breakfast is almost ready.”
“We didn’t talk about breakfast yesterday.” Came the familiar gruff voice of the man.
Neptune turned and spotted the man sitting at one of the tables. He was sipping a cup of coffee.
“Dad. Who I choose to serve is up to me. This is my restaurant after all.” Jane said.
Neptune nervously giggled. “I uh… I guess we should…”
“Please have a seat.” Jane said. “Breakfast will be served soon.”
“Thank you.” Nepgear said.
Nepgear and the others felt awkward as they took a seat at one of the round tables. They weren’t entirely sure who they should speak to or listen to for that matter. “So… Are you ladies ready to work?” The man asked, from where he sat.
“Yes.” Nepgear said, standing and turning to the man.
“Great.” The man said. “You should know that you’ve got a big job ahead of you.”
Neptune sighed deeply. “We know that dude, what about the monsters?” Neptune turned her eyes to Marvy. “Did I sound cool there, or what?” She asked, in a small voice. Marvy didn’t answer. Instead she flashed Neptune a thumbs-up sign.
“I’m sure you’ve fought all kinds of monsters on your little journey, but the monsters I’m talking about are powerful. I need them wiped out now.” The man said, getting to his feet and making his way over to the girls. Reaching into his outfit, the man pulled out a piece of paper and placed it on the table.
The girls glanced down at the paper. Located on the paper were pictures of five monsters. The monsters varied in size and shape. Vert moved closer so she could look down at the paper. “Let’s see we have an Obese Dogoo, Cat Squirrel Rider, Pollux, Land Whale and a Regulus.”
“I think we’ve faced a Regulus before.” Nepgear said. “Are the rest of these monsters powerful?”
“They can be if were not careful.” Said Vert. “I would recommend that we hunt these monsters together instead of splitting up.”
“Ah shucks.” Neptune said. “I was going to suggest that you four go out while I keep the restaurant safe.”
“Nice try big sister.” Nepgear said.
“It shouldn’t take us too long to hunt these monsters. Where are they exactly?” Asked Vert.
The man reached into his outfit once more and pulled out a small map and laid it on the table. I circled where they are. The village is in the middle.” The man said, as he crossed his arm in front of his chest.
Nepgear studied the map for a few moments before she pulled out her N-Gear and marked the places on her map app. After that, she began typing some information into her N-Gear without saying a word. “That’s weird. None of these monsters are located near any human settlements. Why do you want them hunted?”
“Does it matter?” The man asked. “You agreed to the job last night.”
“That’s true, but…” Nepgear said, her voice trailed.
“Dad? Why do you want these monsters hunted?” Asked Jane.
The man didn’t answer. “If you’re refusing the job then you should just leave. I honored our part of the deal, but if this is too much for you, then go.” And with those words, the man grabbed his map and the piece of paper with a list of the monsters on it.
“Hold on.” Vert said, as she folded her hands together in front of her. “We did agree to this, but we still need to discuss this amongst ourselves. You can at least give us time to do that, right?”
The man took a deep breath, before he started nodding his head several times. “Fine. I need t do a quick patrol of the village, then I’m taking a nap. If you decide to take the job then take this with you.” The man placed the paper with the monster’s names and pictures on it back down on the table. “If not leave it with my daughter.” And with those words, the man headed out of the restaurant.
Once the man was gone, Jane sighed deeply. “I’m really sorry about him.” Jane began. “He’s a good man, but he seems to think that everyone has to listen to him. Please don’t feel obligated to take the job.”
“That’s alright Jane.” Nepgear said.
“Yeah. Were not bothered at all, I guess.” Said Neptune.
“I do have a question though.” Said Vert, as she gestured towards Nepgear’s N-Gear. “Could you look at the locations drawn on it and tell us if there’s anything out there? If there’s no villages, or factories out there, then I’m not sure why he would want these monsters hunted.”
Jane nodded and moved over to Nepgear to look down at the map on her N-Gear’s screen. Jane studied the map for several moments, before she shook her head. “To be honest. I don’t see anything special about those locations. I’ve lived here my entire life and there’s nothing out there, but nature.”
“That’s a problem.” Nepgear said.
“It is?” Said Jane, confused.
“You’ve been regaining lost memories too, right?” Nepgear asked.
“Now that you mention it. I’m remembering all kinds of things lately.” Said Jane. “It usually begins with my head hurting and feeling dizzy.”
“Everyone all over Gamindustri’s going through the same thing. I’m not sure if we can rely on your memories or not.” Said Neptune. “No offense Jane.”
“None taken.” Said Jane, smiling. “You might have a point. My dad might be remembering something that I haven’t.” Jane closed her eyes and started thinking as hard as she could, but nothing came to her. “I’m sorry. I’m not remembering anything.” The girl said, opening her eyes and shaking her head.
“That’s alright.” Said Vert, as she picked up the paper the man had left behind. “Well everyone. Should we take this quest or not?”
Nepgear and Marvy exchanged looks. “I don’t mind.” Said Marvy. “But isn’t activating the Fairy Tower’s more important? I don’t mind staying behind and accomplishing this on my own if you want.”
“No. We couldn’t ask you to do that.” Said Vert, as she cuddled up to Nepgear. “You’re like family to us. Right Nepgear? My sweet baby sister!” Vert said, in a babyish tone. Nepgear giggled nervously.
“Hey now Vert. Who put you in charge?” Neptune asked.
“Neptune…” Vert began. “You’re not seriously suggesting that we leave Marvy behind to deal with these monsters on her own are you?”
Neptune crossed her arms and took a deep breath. “Vert that’s exactly what I’m not saying.” Neptune said, as she took Nepgear by the hands and pulled her sister to her feet. “I’m saying we should leave you behind.”
“Hey! You can’t separate sisters!” Vert said, jumping to her feet.
“Nepgear is my sister!” Neptune cried, as she threw her arms around Nepgear and hugged the girl close to her.
“She’s my sister!” Vert cried, as she hugged Nepgear as well. Now Nepgear was being squished between both girls.
“You two are squishing me!” Nepgear cried.
Jane watched the scene for a few moments until she felt a hand on her shoulder. “I think were taking the job.” Said Marvy, smiling sweetly at Jane.
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 73
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
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