Uni handed Nepgear her extra sword. After that she turned her attention back to the CPU Killer. The robot reminded both girls of some kind of robotic dragon. It had a long body and two large arms. The robot also held a large axe and mace in it’s hands. “This thing looks like it’s going to be tough.” Uni breathed.
“Yeah.” Nepgear said, taking a deep breath. Nepgear recalled her spare energy sword, as she held her second one out in front of her. “How do you want to do this?” Nepgear asked, nervously.
“I’ll back you up from here.” Said Uni. “Just like my sister.”
Nepgear nodded. “Alright.” Said Nepgear, swallowing hard.
Nepgear and Uni had been fighting along side each other for several days now. They’ve taken on quests where they dealt with all kinds of monsters, but even though they’ve done a lot of battling the girl girls could tell this robot was going to be different.
“You ready?” Uni asked, aiming her rifle at the CPU Killer.
“Yeah.” Nepgear said, before she started running forwards. As the girl ran forwards, the CPU Killer readjusted it’s body so it was fully facing Nepgear. At first the CPU Killer just floated in the air, staring down the approaching girl. After a few moments the robot suddenly lunged forwards which caught Nepgear off guard.
Before the robot could launch an attack, a beam of energy struck the robot in the chest causing it to be pushed backwards. “Stay focused Nepgear!” Uni shouted.
“Right!” Nepgear cried, as she continued to run forwards. Once Nepgear was close enough to the CPU Killer, she leapt high into the air and brought her energy sword down hard. Nepgear managed to slice through the robot’s chest, causing the CPU Killer to back up even more.
“TAKE THIS!” Nepgear cried, as she swung her sword three times. The first two swings she managed to cut through the robot, but the CPU Killer managed to parry her next attack using it’s large axe.
Nepgear hung in the air for a few moments, before the giant robot pushed her backwards, sending the girl flying through the air.
As Nepgear flew, Uni aimed her rifle at the few injuries that Nepgear managed to cause and fired at them. The first beam of energy managed to make the hole Nepgear created slightly bigger, but the CPU Killer blocked the other shots using it’s massive axe. “Damn.” Uni cursed, under her breath.
“TAKE THIS!” Nepgear cried once more, as she suddenly appeared above the CPU Killer’s head and struck the robot once more. The robot quickly dodged out of the way and launched it’s tail at Nepgear.
Nepgear held up her hand to block the attack, but she was too slow. The tail smashed into her body and sent her flying backwards once more, but this time Nepgear slammed into the ground and rolled several feet away.
“Nepgear!” Uni cried, in fear.
“I-I’m o-okay…” Nepgear breathed, as she struggled to her feet.
“I should have warned you.” G said, from somewhere overhead. “The CPU Killer has an adaptive combat system. You won’t be able to destroy it by doing the same attacks over and over again.”
“Is that so?” Uni said, annoyed. “Come on Nepgear! Let’s hurry up and destroy this hunk of junk!”
“Right!” Nepgear said, as she held out her hand. “HEAL!” She called out. Nepgear’s body started to glow brightly, but soon that light vanished along side all the wounds that Nepgear had sustained.
Uni aimed her rifle at the CPU Killer once more. “Hey G!” Uni shouted. “You said that this hunk of metal has an adaptive combat system? Well let’s see if it can keep up with this! BRAVE BURST!” Uni shouted.
An enormous beam of energy exploded out of Uni’s rifle. The CPU Killer placed it’s massive axe and mace in front of it’s body. At first it looked as though the CPU Killer’s weapons would be enough to block the attack, but as the beam of energy continued to slam against the robot’s weapons, a large crack appeared in them.
Suddenly with a loud boom, the weapons exploded and soon the beam of energy struck the CPU Killer in the chest. The CPU Killer tried to move out of the way, but it was pointless. Electricity and smoke exploded out of the robot’s body and soon the robot slammed into the ground.
“I can’t believe it.” G muttered, under his breath.
“That’ll do it!” Uni said, smiling proudly.
“Way to go Uni! You’re such a badass!” Said Nepgear, smiling brightly.
Uni giggled. “I don’t hear you talking anymore G. Upset a couple of cute girls managed to wreck your toy?”
“Actually no.” Said G, chuckling. “I was expecting the CPU Killer to be destroyed, but I thought it would last a little longer. No matter.”
“Hold on Uni. I’ll get that door open now.” Said Nepgear, ignoring what G was saying.
“No need. I’ll let you go.” Said G, as the door to the room opened. “I would advise you to leave immediately. I plan on destroying this lab. Can‘t leave any evidence after all.”
“Aw… I wanted to take the robot apart.” Said Neptune, looking longingly at the destroyed robot.
“Wait!” Uni cried. “What about the city above?”
“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on using any explosives. I have other means of getting rid of evidence. Now I suggest you start running.” G said.
Uni narrowed her eyes at the place G’s voice was coming from. She felt furious. Furious that someone would trap her and her friend in a lab, furious that they would be tested on, furious that they could have died. “I don’t know or care who you are G! I’m going to get you for this!” Uni screamed angrily.
Nepgear grabbed Uni by the hand. “Come on Uni! We need to run!” Nepgear said, as she pulled her friend towards the now open door.
Uni and Nepgear ran as fast as they could through the open door, down a long hallway and up a flight of steps. After the girls reached the top of those steps they ran through a door and slammed it closed behind them.
The girls now found themselves back outside. Not only that, but the box Pirachu had taken off with was sitting on a barrel just in front of them. “Were out. Were free!” Nepgear said, sighing a breath of relief.
“Seriously! What the hell!” Uni said, in anger. “That jerk captures us. Attacks us with a giant robot and then lets us go? What’s going on here?”
“I don’t know.” Nepgear said, scratching her chin thoughtfully. “What do you want to do? We need to tell our sisters, but we still need to finish that quest, right?”
Uni took a deep breath. “That’s true. I’ll call our sisters and tell them what happened.” Uni said, as she took up the box that Pirachu stole and handed it over to Nepgear. “Nepgear? Thanks for following after me. I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t do that.”
“What are friends for?” Nepgear said, smiling warmly at her friend.
Uni and Nepgear returned to the cafĂ©. The girls were surprised that the owner wasn’t upset with them. “I’m just glad you two are okay. Please. None of this stuff is worth chasing a thief down over. If something get’s stolen, just let me know.”
“We will. Sorry.” Uni said, bowing.
“Sorry.” Said Nepgear, bowing as well.
Uni and Nepgear finished their work and headed back home. Once Uni opened the front door, she nearly screamed. Standing on the opposite side of that door was Noire and Neptune. Both girls wore a worried look on their faces.
“UNI!” Noire cried, throwing her arms around her sister and hugging her close to her chest. “What happened! Tell me everything right now!”
Neptune smiled warmly at her sister. “You had a pretty hard day today, huh Nep Jr.?” Neptune asked. “Well come here!” Neptune held out her arms and Nepgear happily slid into them.
After that, Nepgear and Uni took their time telling their sisters everything that happened to them. At the very end the girls story left their sisters completely speechless. “That’s nuts!” Neptune said, finally breaking the silence.
“That doesn’t even cover half of it.” Noire said, angrily. “I don’t’ know who this G person is, but I’m going to squash them!” The girl roared with rage.
“That robot’s name was really weird too. Why call it a CPU Killer?” Asked Neptune. “I mean, does this guy hate the CPU’s or something?”
“No idea.” Nepgear said, shaking her head. “All I know is that he’s planning on building another robot sometime in the future.”
“He might actually have one already built.” Uni suggested.
“That’s true.” Said Nepgear. “I don’t know what we should do. I mean, we have to activate the rest of the Fairy Towers, but we can’t exactly leave G alone either.”
Noire closed her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “We don’t have to worry about this G person. As much as I would like to stomp him into the ground until nothing’s left and then-”
“Keep it wholesome Noire.” Neptune said.
“And then… give him a stern lecture. We don’t have the right to keep this to ourselves. We need to report this to the Basilicom immediately.” And with that, Noire made her way over to the phone. Noire spoke to someone on the other end for several moments before returning to everyone else. “The Basilicom said they’re sending someone over here to take statements… Hey girls?” Noire began.
“What’s up big sis?” Uni asked, worried that a lecture was coming.
“What would you two like to eat for dinner tonight? We can stay here, or go out if you want.”
Neptune quickly scampered behind Nepgear. “Pudding!” Neptune said, mimicking her sisters voice. “What Nepgear said, pudding!” Neptune said, moving behind Uni and mimicking her voice next.
“I’m asking our sisters who had a really rough day.” Noire said, annoyed.
“Fine…” Neptune said, sighing deeply.
“Oh… I want meat!” Uni said.
“That sounds good.” Said Nepgear. “Thanks Noire.”
Noire smiled at both her sisters. “I just hope the person they send get here-” Before Noire could finish speaking, the sound of someone knocking on their front door interrupted her. “That should be them.” Noire said.
“I got it!” Neptune said, running over to the door and opening it up. To Neptune’s surprise, two girls dressed in black stood in front of her. “Uh Noire? These two look kind of like Purple Heart.”
Noire gasped. “Lady Black Heart and Lady Black Sister!” Noire cried. Noire ran to the door and pushed Neptune aside. “My ladies! Please come in!” Noire said, bowing.
“Thank you.” Lady Black Heart said, stepping into the house. “Please call me Black Heart.”
“Call me Black Sister.” Black Sister said.
Black Heart scanned the room. “So you four must be Noire, Uni, Neptune and Nepgear. Correct?” Black Heart asked.
“Whoa!” Neptune said, who was lying flat on the ground. “You already know who we are? Are we famous? No autographs without a payment of pudding.”
“Shut up Neptune!” Noire said, under her breath. “Get off the floor too. These two are the leaders of Lastation!”
“You’re not famous.” Black Heart said. “Histoire has been in contact with me through my dreams. She asked us to keep an eye on you four. I told her I was far too busy to baby-sit, but she insisted.”
“I see. That was very kind of her.” Noire said.
Neptune slowly got off the ground. “Noire is all business all the time, but I think Black Heart could totally beat her in the game of business.” Neptune thought. “I better not voice that or else they both might kill me.”
“We both apologize. We should have introduced ourselves much sooner.” Said Black Heart.
“I don’t see why we should have bothered. I have enough to worry about.” Black Sister said. “First I have quests to complete in order to get my sisters approval, which never happens, so I’m always doing quests.”
“We’ll discuss that later at an appropriate time.” Black Heart said, her tone of voice never changed.
“Fine. I’ll make an appointment with your secretary. Sure you can get to me in a few years, right?” Black Sister asked, annoyed.
“Anyways. We heard about an incident that took place in Lastation. Please let us know exactly what happened.” Said Black Heart.
“And make it quick. I’m about to kill some Horsebird monsters and I’m sure this will finally get my sister to love me.” Said Black Sister.
“Okay…” Nepgear said, taken aback by what Black Sister was saying. “Anyways, this all started earlier this morning.” Nepgear began. Nepgear told Black Heart and Black Sister everything that happened to them and didn’t leave anything out. “And that’s everything that happened.”
“The robots are what bothered me.” Noire said. “I was worried that this G person might attempt to attack one of you next.”
“Like a stupid robot could kill my overpowered big sister who doesn’t love me.” Black Sister said. “What kind of citizen would think that badly of their CPU?”
“No.” Noire said, shaking her head. “I didn’t mean-”
“Ignore her.” Black Heart said, cutting Noire off. “I appreciate you bringing this to our attention. We’ll start looking into finding this G and Pirachu person. Well rat.”
“Thank you.” Noire said.
Black Heart turned to her sister who looked like she had more to say. “We need to go. Prioritize finding these two individuals, understand?” Black Heart said.
Black Sister grumbled loudly. “If I manage to find them, will you be proud?”
“No.” Black Heart said.
Black Sister grumbled even louder than before. “Fine. I’ll do it anyways.” She said, and with those words the two sisters headed outside.
Neptune rubbed the place between her eyebrows. “That was… Weird… Right?”
“Yeah.” Noire said, nodding with agreement. “It almost felt like an extreme version of us. Huh Uni?”
“Yeah.” Uni said.
“Well let’s think about that later! Time to eat!” Neptune said. “I’m starving for pudding!”
Nepgear giggled. “You’re always hungry for pudding.” She said. “Though after everything we’ve been through, I feel like eating something sweet too.”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 40
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
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