Neptune and Nepgear ran as fast as they could, but no matter how fast they ran the Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters were easily able to keep up. Neptune swung her sword to the left, slashing through their ghostly bodies while Nepgear dealt with the monsters on their right. However, no matter how many monsters the two girls cut down more appeared to take their place.
“What’s going on here?” Nepgear asked, as she finished dealing with five Ms. Clyde’s. Just as her energy sword hacked through them, six more appeared.
“I don’t know, but we’ll get a lot of share energy from them!” Neptune said, trying to find the positive in the situation.
Nepgear and Neptune continued to run for several long moments until they finally spotted a large white building in the distance. The building stood well over two stories tall. It had a balcony that wrapped around the entire building except for the side facing the railroad tracks. A roof hung over the railroad tracks for some reason.
“There it is!” Nepgear cried.
“Good. I need a break.” Neptune said.
Neptune and Nepgear closed their eyes and tried to run even faster than before. Unfortunately for them the Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters were able to keep up. A few of the Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters suddenly floated higher off the ground than usual before they slammed their foreheads into them.
“OW!” Neptune cried, rubbing the side of her head. “That’s not how we make friends!” Neptune said, as she slashed the creature in two using her katana. Nepgear sliced through the monster that hit her.
It felt like an eternity, but soon the girls were approaching the building. “HELLO!” Neptune cried out.
“WE NEED HELP!” Nepgear shouted.
A moment later a door on the second floor balcony opened and a woman with long blue hair appeared. The woman held a staff over her head and suddenly fire rained down from the sky striking the Clyde, Ms Clyde monsters and ground. The monsters quickly scattered giving Neptune and Nepgear a chance to breathe.
Without being asked, the girls ran through another door located on the bottom floor of the building. Slamming the door shut, the girls sank to their knees. “Well that was easy.”
“No.” Came a voice. “Things just got worse for you.”
Neptune and Nepgear glanced up and saw the blue haired girl striding over to where they sat. “Oh? It’s you two. Sorry about that.” The girl said.
“Who are you?” Asked Nepgear.
“My name is MAGES.” The woman explained.
“Mages?” Said Neptune.
“That’s MAGES. With a period at the end.” MAGES explained.
“That doesn’t make sense.” Neptune said, sighing deeply. “Anyways. Thanks for rescuing us.”
“Yes. Thank you.” Nepgear said, as she took off her backpack and reached inside. “By the way. How do you know us?”
MAGES. Smirked. “Of course I know you two, but I have a feeling I shouldn’t say how right now.” The woman said. “By the day. Do you have any Doc P?”
“Gross!” Neptune said.
“Are you the owner of the railroad?” Neptune asked.
“That’s right.” Said MAGES. “I’ve been in possession of the railroad for many years now.”
“In that case. This is for you.” Nepgear said, as she pulled out a bottle of Doc Tear Popper and handed it over to MAGES.
“Are you serious? You have some?!” MAGES. Cried out. The girl quickly pulled out a cell phone and started speaking into it. “Hello? Yes it’s me. I’ve obtained a bottle of Doc P. The drink of the chosen ones. Yes from allies!” MAGES said. “Yes. I’ll continue to investigate this realm. Loochs tneve emag noitamina cisum”
“Uh Nepgear? Who’s she talking to?” Neptune asked.
“I don’t think she’s talking to anyone.” Said Nepgear.
MAGES. Hung up her phone and slid it back into her pocket. “Sorry about that. I was merely speaking to the organization.” She said.
“Organization?” Nepgear asked.
“Never mind. Come! Doc P. should be enjoyed by everyone.” MAGES. Said, as she gestured for Neptune and Nepgear to follow her.
Now that the girls had a chance to breathe. They noticed just how amazing the building they were in actually was. The outside of the building looked rather skinny, but the building itself was long.
Located on the left side of the room was a large train and several train cars, but they were lying on their sides and being held in the air thanks to metallic arms. Located in the middle of the room were several large contraptions.
Nepgear and Neptune followed MAGES. Upstairs where they found several tables lined with all kinds of tools, contraptions and even a few guns. “What kind of place is this?” Nepgear asked, her eyes were sparkling with amazement.
“This is my workshop. When the train was in full service, I would spend my days creating all kinds of contraptions.” MAGES. Explained .”Unfortunately that was a long time ago to you.”
MAGES. Found two glasses and poured out some of the Doc Tear Popper into them before handing them out to Neptune and Nepgear. After that, she tilted the bottle of Doc Tear Popper towards her lips and drank it down. “Delicious!” MAGES. Said.
Neptune and Nepgear looked skeptically down at the drink before they too drank some. “It is good!” Nepgear said.
“Puddings better.” Neptune said, in a small voice.
“So tell me. Even though I know the answer already, what brings you two out here?” MAGES. Asked.
“Well… We were hoping to get the train operational again.” Nepgear explained.
“I knew it.” MAGES. Said. Closing her eyes and smiling brightly. “Unfortunately that’s impossible and I have a feeling you know why.”
“The Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters, right?” Nepgear said.
MAGES’. smile vanished. “That’s correct.” She said.
“Why are there so many?” Neptune asked.
“Unfortunately I can’t give you all the details, but I might be able to tell you something’s.” MAGES. Said. “Tell me. Do you two know what a Fairy Tower is?”
“Duh!” Neptune said, saluting.
“Excellent. That makes this easier.” MAGES. Said, clearing her throat. “A while ago, I had a client who asked me to make a device that could infinitely spawn monsters. At the time, the only monsters that were located around here were Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters. They weren’t the strongest, but my experiment went off without a hitch.”
“I see…” Nepgear said, nodding. “So why would your client ask you to do that?”
“Simple. Located across the railroad tracks was a Fairy Tower.” Said MAGES. “My client was hoping to max out their stats by fighting an infinite amount of Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters, but unfortunately something big happened.”
“Big? Like what?” Nepgear asked.
MAGES. Smirked. “Unfortunately I can’t say right now. I can tell you that my experiment was tampered with. I used to have the power to shut the infinite spawners off using a simple remote. However, that remote is now missing. I can’t build a new one and the infinite spawners have been tampered with so they make new Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters at an incredible rate.”
“Yeah?” Neptune said, annoyed.
“Troubling of all was the fact that the Fairy Tower went missing.” Said MAGES.
“Do you know how many Fairy Towers are in Planeptune?” Nepgear asked.
“Three. No more and no less.” Said MAGES.
“I thought so.” Nepgear said, pulling out her N-Gear and showing MAGES. The screen. “Were on our way to this Fairy Tower now. I think that one used to be here, but it was moved.”
MAGES. Looked down at the screen. “Interesting, but the only one who could move a Fairy Tower is a goddess. Or someone who commands great power.” MAGES gasped before suddenly hiding her face with her hands. The girl peaked through her fingers and said, “of course I’m more than capable of moving a Fairy Tower, but would never dare do such a thing!”
“Uh-huh…” Neptune said, looking dully at MAGES. “Any how. What can we do to help?”
“Well if we could somehow turn off those spawners, would you be willing to drive the train again?” Nepgear asked MAGES.
“Of course.” MAGES. Said, smirking. “There are four spawners though and there all located underground.”
“Why underground?” Neptune asked.
“The spawners have a habit of overheating, so I buried them underground to make it easier on them. Also there was a cave system that would make it difficult for the Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters to come outside all at once. Instead they would have to float down a trail making it easier for my client to defeat them.” Said MAGES.
“Oh!” Nepgear said, perking up. “I think it’ll be easier for us to reach the spanwers!”
“What makes you say that?” Neptune asked. “Sounds like it’s going to be a pain in the butt.”
“Remember Neptune?” Nepgear began. “As we were fighting the monsters, we heard loud booms before. I think the Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters exploded out of the ground. If were lucky those spawners are now exposed!”
“Excellent!” MAGES. Said happily. “In that case. I think it would be easier to simply destroy the spawners instead of powering them down. A simple task for me, but…”
“Really? In that case Nepgear and I will let you handle it.” Neptune said, looking around. “Meanwhile do you have a bucket or two we can borrow? I feel like soaking my feet for a while.”
“Yeah. If Neptune’s not going, I don’t want to go either.” Nepgear said.
“Oh and do you have any pudding? Doc P. is okay, but nothing beats a cool cup of pudding!” Neptune said.
“Pudding please!” Nepgear said.
MAGES. Gasped. “Uh… Listen…” She began, but before she uttered another word MAGES. Pulled out her phone. “What’s that? Oh I see…” MAGES. Slid her phone back into her pocket. “Unfortunately I can’t go either. The organization needs me here and…”
“Just kidding!” Neptune said, throwing her arms around MAGES. Shoulder. “Of course we’ll go with you, but we expect some pudding later.”
“I see…” MAGES. Said. “In that case you two should rest for a moment while I gather a few things just incase.”
Neptune and Nepgear found two chairs to sit in. Once MAGES. Made her way downstairs, both girls burst into laughter. “She really thought we were going to let her do this on her own.” Nepgear said, giggling.
“Yeah, well I almost let her. My legs are tired.” Neptune said, as she lightly pounded her thighs using her fists.
“Yeah. I could use a rest too.” Nepgear said, taking a deep breath. “Seriously though. Did someone really move a Fairy Tower from here? It’s such a long distance.”
“Tell me about it. I bet our legs wouldn’t feel that bad if we had a Fairy Tower around here. We could level up and get rested.” Neptune complained.
Nepgear took a deep breath. “Yeah. It’s weird.”
“What is?” Asked Neptune.
“This stuff doesn’t really make sense. The fact that were remembering the names of monsters we’ve never seen before. A Fairy Tower being moved and the only thing that can move it being a goddess. Oh and this malfunctioning spawner that’s keeping the trains from running. It almost feels like it was written like this on purpose.”
“Whoa! Watch those fourth wall jokes sister. That’s my gimmick.” Neptune said, narrowing her eyes at Nepgear.
“Sorry. It just feels weird, that’s all.” Nepgear said.
MAGES. Returned a few moments later. “I have returned. Are you two ready?”
“Yep!” Neptune said, jumping to her feet. “Nepgear… If you want you can stay here. I’m sure MAGES. And I can deal with this alone.”
Nepgear smiled as she stood. “Don’t be silly. I can help.” She said. “But before we go out there, I would feel better if we knew exactly where these spanwers are located.”
MAGES. Nodded as she reached into her pocket and removed a map. After unfolding the map she laid it on the table. “This is where we are right now. The spanwers are located here.” MAGES. Said, gesturing towards four spots located on the map.
“So they aren’t near the railroad tracks, right?” Nepgear said.
“Yes, but that’s when the old system was in place. Now thanks to whoever sabotaged my machines, the Clyde and Ms. Clyde monsters cover the tracks. If a train were to hit them, the train would end up crashing. In my time owning this railroad, I’ve never had a single crash.”
“Impressive!” Neptune said.
“Alright. This shouldn’t be too difficult. Neptune and I will watch over you MAGES. Once we get close to the spawners, just use your magic to destroy them.” Nepgear said.
“Sounds like a plan to me!” Neptune said.
“Sounds simple enough.” Said MAGES. Nodding. “Let’s do it.”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 15
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
There was no sound or light. Nothing seemed to reach the strange abyss. A young girl stood in the middle of this abyss, a vacant look in he...
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