Neptune ran as fast as she could, but slowed down when she spotted a familiar blonde girl appear from behind the Fairy Tower. The girl’s long hair blew in the wind as she took a few steps towards Neptune. “Nice to meet you Neptune.” Said Vert, a warm smile appeared on her face.
Neptune halted in her tracks and returned Vert’s smile. “Hiya Vert! Thanks for coming out to meet us.” said Neptune, excited to meet a new friend.
A few moments later Nepgear and 5pb. joined the girls. “Hi Vert. Were here.” 5pb. said, slightly out of breath.
“Yes. You did a great job.” Said Vert, smiling warmly at her friend. “Nepgear? It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Said Vert, extending a hand to Nepgear. Nepgear took it, but before she could say anything Nepgear found herself being smothered in Vert’s cleavage. “Nepgear? I know we just met, but would you like to call me big sister?”
“Huh?!” Nepgear cried.
“Hey!” Neptune began, as she took several heavy steps towards Vert. “Nepgear is my little sister! You got that Vert?!”
5pb. giggled in embarrassment. “Sorry about that Neptune and Nepgear, Vert has a bad habit of trying to make every girl younger than her, her little sister.”
“Oh I’m sorry.” Vert said, releasing her grip on Nepgear, who had a dazed look on her face. “I’m being very rude. Once I saw how cute and squeezable Nepgear was, I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Uh-Huh…” Neptune said, eyeing Vert as she placed her hands on Nepgear’s shoulders and placed herself between the two girls. “Anyways, I’m going to go ahead and activate this Fairy Tower. We’ll be on our way after that.”
“Oh?” Vert began.
Neptune was about to head over to the Fairy Tower, but the way Vert spoke made the girl stop mid-stride. “Oh, what?” Neptune asked.
“Well…” Very began, as she began fiddling with her fingers. “It’s just that Histoire asked me to help and I was really looking forward to working with you. That’s all…”
Neptune groaned loudly. “Alright, but no more glomping my sister. Deal?”
Vert lit up after hearing this. “Deal!” Vert said, as she grabbed Neptune’s hand and shook it vigorously. After that she turned to Nepgear and threw her arms around her and hugged her face close to her chest once more.
Neptune opened her mouth to complain, but quickly changed her mind. “She’s not going to listen to me, is she?” Neptune thought to herself.
Neptune turned her focus to the Fairy Tower. After fishing out the USB memory stick from her pocket before finding a USB port to insert it. A few moments later the Fairy Tower came to life and Histoire appeared in holographic form. “Good work Neptune and Nepgear on getting here. Vert? 5pb.? Thank you very much for helping them.”
“Oh my, my, my!” Vert said, releasing her grip on Neptune and making her way over to the Fairy Tower. “You are just so adorable I could eat you up!” Vert reached for Histoire, but frowned when her fingers passed through the fairy-like girl.
“Unfortunately I’m just a holograph and I don’t possess a body of my own.” Said Histoire.
“If you saw how Vert was hugging Nepgear earlier, you wouldn’t be saying ‘unfortunately’.” Said Neptune.
“I-I see…” Histoire said. “Anyways, I’m sending the location to the next Fairy Tower to your N-Gear now Nepgear.”
“Thanks.” Nepgear said, taking out her N-Gear and looking down at the screen.
“As for the amount of Fairy Tower’s you’re going to have to activate in Leanbox. It’s six.” Said Histoire.
Neptune sighed deeply. “Six left?” She asked.
“No. Five left.” Said Histoire.
“Oh… Well it’s still bad news.” Said Neptune, sighing once more.
Vert couldn’t contain herself anymore. She began squealing with joy and clapping her hands together. “This is what I’ve been hoping for! This will be just like my favorite MMO! Tell me you two. Have you ever heard of ’Four Goddesses Online’?” Asked Vert.
“No… I don’t think so.” Said Nepgear, trying to remember if she heard of that title before.
“I have!” Said Neptune. “But I couldn’t play because were still on dialup.”
“That’s unfortunate, but if you’ve played typical RPGs before, then I’m sure you’ll get the gist of it.” Said Vert. “Basically I think we should form a party of four. I’ll be the knight.” As Vert spoke, she held out her hand and summoned a spear in her hands. “5pb. of course will play our bard.”
5pb. Smiled and nodded. “Happy to be here.” She said.
Vert gestured towards Neptune and Nepgear who also summoned their weapons as well. “I see…” Vert said, noticing that both Neptune and Nepgear carried swords. “Alright. Neptune will be our warrior while Nepgear… Nepgear do you know any healing spells?” Vert asked.
“I do.” Said Nepgear.
“So do I.” Said Neptune.
“Oh hush up Neptune. Don’t try to confuse me.” Said Vert. “Anyways, Nepgear despite using a sword you’ll be our white mage.”
“Can’t other classes use healing spells too? I’ve seen warriors able to heal themselves and-” Neptune began.
“I’m afraid not. Nepgear is our only healer.” Said Vert.
Neptune looked dully at Vert, before turning to face Histoire. “Alright… I’m done.”
“I have an idea.” Vert said. “I know you and Neptune must be tired, but before we go to my house. Why don’t we fight some monsters together? You know, just to see how strong each other is and what we can expect from one another in battle.”
“Yeah. That sounds like a good idea.” Said Nepgear.
“I’d rather get some pudding, but I don’t mind doing at least this much.” Neptune said, as she shrugged her shoulders.
Vert led the girls to a nearby group of Horsebirds. “Hey. I saw these things in Lastation!” Neptune said.
“It’s not uncommon to see them wandering other nations, but normally the other monsters that live there take care of them.” Said Vert. “Anyways. Is everyone ready?” Vert asked .
“I’m ready.” Said Nepgear.
“I’m ready too.” Said Neptune.
5pb. Sat her guitar case down and took out her instrument. After putting the strap over her neck she nodded as well. “I’m ready!” She said.
Neptune and Nepgear looked back at 5pb., before exchanging quizzical looks. “Alright! Let’s do this ladies!” Neptune announced. Neptune, Nepgear and Vert leapt forwards as they aimed at their respective targets.
Neptune managed to cut down two Horsebird monsters in a split-second before turning her eyes to Nepgear who managed to take down one Horsebird. The girl activated her shield to protect herself from an oncoming attack, but after pushing the creature off she managed to cut it down as well.
Vert dashed down the middle of the Horsebird monsters, cutting down four with a single swing.
Neptune’s eyes went wide. “Whoa! That was awesome Vert!” Neptune said.
“Really awesome!” Said Nepgear.
“Were not done yet.” Vert said.
Three more Horsebird monsters remained. The creatures stamped their hooves and flapped their wings angrily. However, before the creatures could launch any kind of attack 5pb. strummed her guitar. In an instant, three balls of dark energy shot out of the instrument and struck the three monsters killing them instantly.
“I wasn’t expecting that.” Neptune said.
“That was amazing!” Said Nepgear. “I guess you really are our bard.”
5pb. smiled. “Thanks! Though I’m not really sure what a bard’s supposed to do.” 5pb. said.
“Never you mind that.” Vert said. “You all did splendidly! Now, how about we go to my house so we can game… I mean get some rest.”
“Game?” Nepgear said, furrowing her brows.
“I could game.” Said Neptune. “Oh! Do you have any pudding?”
“I do!” Said Vert.
“Ooh! Nice! Let’s get going Nepgear.” Said Neptune.
“Okay.” Nepgear said, as she jogged over to Neptune and Vert. As the girls started walking towards the small village located a mile away, Neptune noticed that Nepgear and Vert were now walking side-by-side. Out of fear that her sister would get glomped again, she squeezed between both girls.
“Oh Neptune. I apologize for hugging your sister before. I was just really excited about our journey. I’ve never done anything like before, so I got carried away. I do apologize.” Vert said, folding her hands together and giving a quick bow.
“Really? That’s all it was?” Neptune asked, suspiciously.
“Really.” Said Vert.
“Well I guess-” Neptune began, but Vert quickly cut her off.
“Great. Glad we could get that out of the way.” Vert said, as she stepped in front of Neptune and forced her backwards. Once again Vert and Nepgear were walking side-by-side. “You must have had a really hard journey so far. Traveling through two countries and expecting to walk through a third. It’s terrible!”
“Oh no. I’m alright. It’s been fun.” Said Nepgear.
“Well if you ever need any help, just call on your big sister. Okay?” Said Vert.
“Yeah! ME!” Neptune cried.
“Huh?” Vert said, glancing over her shoulder at Neptune. For a moment, Neptune wondered if Vert even recognized her. “Of course you Neptune. You are her big sister until…”
“What was that?!” Neptune said. “Until what?”
“Until Nepgear feels like being spoiled and she comes to me.” Said Vert. “And I’ll always be ready to spoil you Nepgear.”
Nepgear giggled nervously. “Th-Thanks Vert, but Neptune’s my big sister.” She said.
“Of course dear.” Said Vert, glancing over her shoulder at Neptune once more.
“This lady is bad news.” Thought Neptune.
When the four girls finally reached the small village, Neptune and Nepgear were surprised. The streets were cobbled and the houses all looked small and quaint. The girls made their way down the streets of the small village and passed by several stores that looked as though they were ripped straight out of RPGs.
“This place is beautiful.” Said Nepgear.
“I’m very fond of it.” Said Vert.
“It’s a very nice place to live and everyone really seems to enjoy hearing me sing.” Said 5pb.. “I’m not bragging or anything, but I’ve actually sung on stage before. I didn’t think I ever could, but everyone was so supportive of me.”
“I would love to hear you sing on stage someday!” Said Nepgear.
“That would be cool. I mean your humming was great, but I can’t wait to hear you sing!” Said Neptune.
“She’s the siren of Leanbox.” Said Vert.
Vert pointed at a house that was located at the very end of the street they were currently walking down. “And that’s my home.” Said Vert.
“Last one’s there is a-” Neptune began, but when she remembered that Vert wanted to glomp her sister, she changed her mind. “Never mind.”
“Shoot.” Vert muttered, under her breath.
Vert reached her door first. After unlocking it, she opened the door and stepped aside so everyone could enter the house. The house was two stories tall. “I have all my bedrooms on the first floor and the second floor is where my office is located.”
“Office, huh?” Said Neptune, as she entered Vert’s home and started looking around.
The room Neptune stood in was fairly large. There was a large television located a few feet away from the door. A couch was located in front of it and a few chairs were located near that. To the right side of the room was a kitchen and a small table. The floors were wooden and the walls were painted white.
“This place is really cute!” Nepgear exclaimed.
“Why thank you!” Vert said, blushing a little. “Neptune? Nepgear? I know we won’t be here for long, but please make yourselves at home.”
“Thanks!” Neptune said, quickly locating the refrigerator and making her way over to it.
Nepgear blushed heavily when she saw her sister open the refrigerator and pull out several items. “Neptune!” Nepgear cried. “Goodness! You need better manners than that!”
“Hey! Vert said make yourselves at home and that’s what I’m doing. Raiding the refrigerator like I would at home.” Neptune said, matter-of-factly.
“It’s okay dear!” Vert said, patting Nepgear on the back. “Most of that will go bad if you don’t eat it anyways. So please Neptune eat all you’d like.”
“If you say so.” Nepgear said, still feeling embarrassed. “Oh what about…” Nepgear began, looking back at 5pb..
“Oh don’t worry about her. 5pb.’s home is actually with me! So of course she’ll make herself at home.” Said Vert.
“Okay! That’s cool!” Said Nepgear.
“Anyways… I figure since we have so much time before it gets dark. Why don’t we play some video games together and get to know each other even more?” Said Vert. “I have some party games.”
“Vert.” Neptune began, suddenly appearing by Vert’s side and patting the girl on the shoulder. “You had me at ‘eat all you’d like’.”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 60
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
There was no sound or light. Nothing seemed to reach the strange abyss. A young girl stood in the middle of this abyss, a vacant look in he...
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