After the girls finished activating the second Fairy Tower, they stood in front of the large contraption trying to think about what to do next. “I was able to increase my stats a little, but I feel like we should do some more training before we leave.” Nepgear said, tapping her lower lip thoughtfully.
“That’s a good idea.” Said Vert. “I’ve managed to increase my strength, but if I could I wish I could lower my defense.”
“Why’s that?” Nepgear asked, confused.
“Well…” Vert didn’t say anything more. Instead she strolled up to Nepgear and hugged her close to her chest. “You see? I’m worried my hugs will become less comfortable and warm.”
“I… See…” Nepgear said, her voice shook in her throat.
“Gosh darn it Vert!” Neptune cried, as she grabbed Nepgear by the shoulders and tried to pull her away. “Get off my little sister!”
“As you can see…” Vert began, holding up her hands. “I’m not holding onto her.”
“Nepgear!” Neptune cried. “You traitor face!”
Nepgear’s eyes were closed and her cheeks were bright red, but when she heard the voice of her sister she opened her eyes and quickly stepped away from Vert. “I-I’m sorry Neptune! I was… I mean to say.”
“Are you saying my hugs aren’t good enough for you?” Neptune asked, as she hugged Nepgear close to her chest.
Nepgear giggled and nuzzled close to her sister, but her cheeks didn’t go as red as they did when she was buried face first between Vert’s chest. “They’re nice.” Said Nepgear, giggling once more.
Neptune growled under her breath. “Fine. Whatever. I don’t even care anymore.” Neptune said, as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “What should we do now? 5pb. took all our cooking gear and most of our pudding. I hate saying it, but I don’t want to go back to eating soup in a cup!”
“We could make a quick pit stop at a village.” Nepgear offered.
“Yes, but are there any villages around here?” Asked Vert.
Neptune, Nepgear and Vert began looking around the area until their eyes fell on Histoire. “Uh… Histoire? A little help please.” Nepgear said.
“Of course.” Histoire closed her eyes. A moment later a beeping noise came from Nepgear’s N-Device. Nepgear glanced down at the screen. “Oh wow! You updated my map with all the villages and cities located in Leanbox! Thanks Histoire!” Nepgear said, as she happily began pressing different locations with her fingers.
“You’re very welcome.” Said Histoire.
“You can do all that, but you can’t tell us the location of the other Fairy Tower’s or give us more than one memory stick? You’re a junky calculator aren’t you Histoire?” Neptune said.
“What did you just say to me?!” Histoire fumed. “How dare you! You bring me a calculator and I’ll show you what I can do compared to it!” Histoire roared, as she waved her tiny little fists in the air.
“Whoa… I pissed Histoire off. She’s Pisstoire right now!” Neptune said, giggling at her own joke.
“Now calm down sweetie!” Said Vert, holding up her hands. “I think you’re a brilliant girl and if I could, I would hug you right now and make you my little sister.”
Histoire looked up at Vert. “Thank you Vert. At least you appreciate me.”
“I appreciate you too! My sister’s awful.” Said Nepgear.
“Betrayal!” Neptune cried. “I expected Vert to stab me in the back, but Nepgear? How sad…” Neptune covered her face with both of her hands and pretended to cry.
“Anyways. There’s actually a small village located a mile away in that direction.” Said Nepgear, pointing towards the Northeast. Neptune looked up quickly and turned in the direction that Nepgear was pointing.
“Very well. I shall go.” Neptune said. “I’ll show you two how reliable I can be!” Said Neptune, as she sat her backpack down and started jogging away.
“Sis? Are you sure you don’t want us to come too?” Nepgear called after her sister.
“It’s fine!” Neptune called back. “Wait… What if Vert takes this opportunity to seduce my little sister?” Neptune halted in her tracks and turned back to Vert and Nepgear. “Hey Vert? No increasing your lily rank while I’m away! You hear me?!”
“No promises…” Vert said, in a low voice.
And with that, Neptune turned back around and continued making her way towards the village that Nepgear pointed out. As Neptune ran, her mind wondered. She thought about Noire and Uni and what they were currently doing that day. She wondered if 5pb. would truly be okay and wished that she could have heard her new friend sing live on stage. Of course Neptune also thought about Compa and IF and wondered how Arfoire was doing.
When Neptune spotted the small village on the horizon, a large smile appeared on her face. “There it is! Now to become Speed Neptune!” Neptune started running even faster than before and quickly closed the distance between herself and the small village.
However, before Neptune reached the village she noticed something odd. A small cat-like girl was riding on top of a small yellow creature. Neptune slowed herself down so she could walk behind the strange girl and the creature. “Uh-oh nyuu.” The catgirl said, as she turned to face Neptune. “I’m being stalked nyuu.”
“Hi there!” Neptune said, giggling. “My name’s Neptune and I bet your name is Puchiko! Right?”
“My name’s Broccoli nyuu.” The catgirl said.
“Okay Puchiko.” Said Neptune.
“Broccoli nyuu.” Said the catgirl, annoyed.
“It’s cool Puchiko.” Said Neptune, waving her hand dismissively.
Broccoli groaned loudly under her breath as she narrowed her eyes at Neptune. “You don’t listen nyuu.”
“Anyway, do you live in this village?” Neptune asked.
Broccoli shook her head. “I’m just visiting nyuu.” Broccoli said. “What about you nyuu?”
“’I’m just visiting as well.” Said Neptune.
“I see-” Broccoli began, but Neptune cut her off.
“For you see! I’m on a perilous journey with my darling little sister and our sus companion! Our journey is taking us all over the world in order to activate several Fairy Towers in order to gain back our stolen memories! Can Neptune save the world? Yes she can!” Neptune proclaimed.
“You went from retaking stolen memories to saving the world nyuu.” Broccoli said, feeling annoyed.
“Anyways, that’s how it is.” Neptune said, shrugging her shoulders. “So what now?”
“Don’t ask me nyuu.” Said Broccoli.
“Right… You’re not part of my party. I should get going. Sorry for bothering you Puchiko.” Neptune said.
“It’s Broccoli nyuu!” Broccoli said, feeling even more annoyed then before.
Neptune made her way into the village and stopped at the first store she found. After buying some more cooking equipment, pudding and other items to cook with, Neptune headed outside.
“Well, well!” Neptune said, noticing that Broccoli was floating towards her. “Did you miss me already?”
“No nyuu.” Broccoli said, rolling her eyes. “I’m just getting here myuu. Gema is slow nyuu.”
“Who’s Gema nyuu?” Neptune asked.
“Nyuu is something only Broccoli is allowed to say nyuu!” Broccoli proclaimed. “And gema is gema nyuu!”
“I get it.” Neptune said, dully.
“No you don’t nyuu!” Broccoli said, the small girl was now trembling with anger. “I’m tired of this nyuu! I’m going to blast you with my eye lasers now nyuu!” Broccoli opened her eyes wide.
At first Neptune merely furrowed her brow in confusion, but soon Broccoli’s eyes began to shine very brightly. “Uh-oh…” Neptune said, as she shielded her face with her hands. Instead of getting blasted with a laser beam, instead the ground was covered in a strange green goop.
“Gross!” Neptune cried, as she stepped away from the goop.
“Eye beam failed, but Broccoli is very strong!” Broccoli said, as she flexed her small arms.
Neptune couldn’t help, but giggle. “I can see that. Alright Broccoli, you can join our party if you want!”
“Really nyuu?” Broccoli said, feeling a mixture of surprise and joy. “Broccoli will be able to show off her incredibly strength now.”
“That’s right!” Neptune said. “And maybe you’ll get Vert‘s hugs instead of Nepgear.” Neptune muttered under her breath.
“What was that nyuu?” Broccoli asked.
“N-Nothing!” Neptune said.
“Very suspicious nyuu.” Broccoli said.
Neptune giggled as she gracefully leapt over the green goop on the ground and moved in front of Broccoli. “Alright! Let’s get going Puchiko.”
“Broccoli nyuu!” Broccoli said, angrily.
Neptune and Broccoli moved side-by-side through the village and soon made their way back to where Vert and Nepgear were waiting. To Neptune’s horror, Vert was sitting on the ground leaning against the Fairy Tower, while Nepgear was leaning against her. Nepgear’s eyes were closed and both girls looked like they were asleep.
“Wake up!” Neptune snapped.
Vert and Nepgear opened their eyes. “Oh! Sis! Sorry about that!” Nepgear said, getting to her feet.
“Nothing to apologize for Nepgear. We were just taking a nap together. Nothing unusual for sisters to do.” Said Vert.
“It is when you aren’t sisters! Nepgear is Neptune’s sister exclusively!” Neptune cried, as she sat down her purchases and picked Broccoli up off of Gema. “Here! I got you this! You can adopt her as your sister!”
“Broccoli is not up for adoption nyuu!” Broccoli cried.
“Sister… Who sit hat?” Nepgear asked.
“This is Puchiko.” Neptune said.
“Broccoli’s name is Broccoli, nyuu!” Broccoli said, sighing deeply.
“Neptune… You didn’t take her by force did you? Just because she’s cute?” Nepgear asked, nervously.
“Oh please, nyuu. Broccoli is an adult nyuu.” Broccoli siad.
“That’s right and she’s all yours!” Neptune said, as she dumped her into Vert’s arms.
Vert didn’t say anything. Instead she looked down into Broccoli’s eyes, before her cheeks grew bright red in color. “Oh my! Oh my! Will you be my little sister Broccoli?” Vert asked, hugging the girl closer to her chest.
“Hmph!” Broccoli cried, as she was hugged tightly to Vert’s chest.
Nepgear’s shoulders sagged. “I don’t know how to feel about this. Now I don’t have any big sister.”
“What are you talking about?” Neptune cried. “I’m your big sister!” Neptune reached for Nepgear’s hand, but before she could take it, Vert had snatched the young girl away and was now hugging her as well.
“Don’t fret sweetheart! I have enough love for two little sisters! I have love for three and four more a swell!” Vert said.
Neptune sighed deeply. “Fine. I’m done fighting it.” Neptune stomped over to Vert and wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist. “Big sister?” She said, batting her eyelashes at Vert.
Vert, Nepgear and Neptune all started to laugh. Broccoli on the other hand started to wonder if joining them was a good idea after all.
After the girls broke their embrace, Nepgear looked into the bags of items that Neptune had bought. “I’m surprised. You got everything we needed.” Nepgear said. “Though I can see you bought more pudding. You really should give pudding a break Neptune. Eating this much can’t be healthy for you.”
“Not true, not true, not true at all!” Neptune said. “I heard pudding is actually very healthy for you! Haven’t you heard the old saying? A pudding a day-”
“-Makes the doctor come everyday, nyuu?” Broccoli said, finishing Neptune’s sentence.
Vert and Nepgear started giggling. “She’s got you there Neptune.” Said Vert.
“Yes…” Neptune said, narrowing her eyes at Broccoli. “She sure did…”
“Anyways Broccoli, dear?” Vert began, grabbing Broccoli’s attention. “Let me explain what our journey is about. After that you can officially decide if you want to stay or not. It will be dangerous though.”
“Broccoli can handle it, nyuu.” Broccoli said. “Besides. Neptune told Broccoli that you’re traveling around activating Fairy Towers, right nyuu?”
“That’s correct. Every time we activate a new Fairy Tower, everyone in the world seems to remember something. Were also trying to unseal someone named Histoire who’s been sealed away.”
“Broccoli sees, nyuu.” Broccoli said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Broccoli will help.”
“Thanks Broccoli!” Vert said, patting Broccoli on top of the head. “And as your new big sister please rely on me to spoil you anytime you want! Okay?”
Neptune sighed deeply. “I better get used to this, huh Nepgear?”
Nepgear nodded. “Yep! Vert’s going to be Vert after all!”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 63
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
There was no sound or light. Nothing seemed to reach the strange abyss. A young girl stood in the middle of this abyss, a vacant look in he...
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