The following morning Neptune, Nepgear, Vert and Broccoli headed down Halo Mountain. Unlike the previous day, the sun wasn’t shining. Instead it was hiding behind dark clouds. “I think we might have a storm on our hands.” Vert said, looking up at the sky with uncertainty.
“It doesn’t look good.” Nepgear admitted. “I hope it doesn’t start raining. I really want to get to Leanbox as fast as we can.”
“I know what you mean. I want to see what kinds of games Leanbox has as well.” Said Neptune.
“Well that’s not exactly why, but I’m a little curious too.” Nepgear admitted.
“Leanbox has the best games ever made!” Said Vert, smiling proudly. “I mean of course the other nations make great games as well, but the software and hardware Leanbox makes is the best!”
“Them’s fighting words!” Neptune said, turning on her heels and facing Vert. “Planeptune makes the best hardware and software ever! It’s a fact!” Neptune said, holding up her index finger as she spoke.
“Actually no. Back me up Broccoli.” Said Vert, turning to the small catgirl.
“Nepgear? Big sister needs some help!” Neptune said.
Nepgear and Broccoli exchanged glances before they both sighed deeply and shook their heads. “Please leave us out of it.” The girls said in unison, though Broccoli did add a ‘nyu’ after she finished speaking.
“Betrayal. I didn’t see that coming.” Neptune said.
Neptune turned on her heels once more to face the trail they were following, but stopped when a Wolf monster suddenly appeared in front of her. The creature bared its teeth at the girls and growled angrily at them.
“Great…” Neptune said, as she summoned her katana.
“Think this Wolf monster is from the same pack that attacked us yesterday?” Nepgear asked.
“It wouldn’t surprise me. Wolf monsters are pretty vengeful.” Said Vert. “How many did you kill yesterday?”
“Uh… More than four, but less than ten.” Said Neptune.
Vert sighed. “Well. I’m sure it’s here for revenge then. Go get it Neptune.” Vert said, cheering Neptune on.
“Yeah. I knew it would come down to me.” Neptune said, as she turned her attention back to the Wolf monster. Neptune bent down and leapt at the wolf. In a single slash of her katana, she managed to kill the creature before it had a chance to do anything. In a flash of bright white light, the monster disappeared.
Neptune sighed deeply. “I’m pretty sure there were more than that.” Neptune said.
Suddenly the sounds of two Wolf monsters barking could be heard coming from behind a bend in the trail. The wolves sounded as though they were locked in a fierce fight, but after a few moments the sounds of whimpering could be heard and soon even that stopped.
“What was that?” Nepgear wondered, as she summoned her energy sword.
“No idea. Keep on your toes everyone!” Said Vert, as she summoned her spear. Broccoli leapt off Gema and grabbed the yellow creature in her hands.
“I think Neptune should go and check it out, nyu.” Broccoli blurted out.
“I agree. Neptune. Go get it.” Said Vert.
“Huh? No way!” Neptune cried.
“Go Neptune!” Nepgear cheered.
Neptune turned sadly towards Nepgear. “You too Nepgear? Gee… Fine… I’ll go and check it out, but if I die you all have to avenge me.” And with those words, Neptune began moving forwards. As the girl walked, she kept her eyes and ears open for any sounds of life.
Neptune slowly walked around the bend and saw exactly what was waiting for them. A giant wolf creature stood in front of her. The wolf had red eyes, a maw filled with razor sharp teeth, giant claws on the ends of each of it’s toes and it’s fur was bluish grey in the color.
“Well I found it.” Neptune breathed.
The giant wolf leapt at Neptune and swung the claws on it’s left paw at the girl. Neptune leapt back avoiding the claws by mere inches. Before Neptune could do anything however, the creature leapt forwards several more times and continued to swing it’s claws at her.
“Whoa!” Neptune cried as she leapt back once more. “I’m in trouble!” Neptune said, as she dodged to the right. “Need some help!” Neptune said, as the creature launched another strike. Neptune suddenly swung her sword and managed to block the giant wolf from sinking it’s fangs into her.
Vert suddenly appeared above Neptune. She had the tip of her spear aimed down at the creature. “It’s a Fenrir Wolf!” Vert announced.
“Well now I should be able to beat it.” Neptune said, rolling her eyes.
The Fenrir Wolf continued to bear down on Neptune. Neptune felt herself getting pushed back by the giant creature.
“Come on… I can… Do it!” Neptune cried, but the creature suddenly shook it’s head causing Neptune to get pushed backwards. Vert suddenly struck the Fenrir Wolf in the back, causing the creature to buck, sending Vert flying away from it.
“Vert!” Neptune cried out.
The Fenrir Wolf threw a heavy paw at Neptune, but Nepgear suddenly appeared and blocked the attack. “Sorry I’m late Neptune!” Nepgear said.
“Me too, nyu”! Broccoli said, appearing next to Neptune.
“Aren’t you going to help fight it?” Asked Neptune, looking down at the small catgirl.
“I’m showing moral support, nyu.” Broccoli said.
“Great. Thanks.” Neptune said, dully. Neptune leapt at the Fenrir Wolf and sliced the creature’s face.
The Fenrir Wolf leapt backwards. The creature roared in anger. “Take this!” Vert cried, as she appeared once more and stabbed the creature in the neck. The Fenrir Wolf shook it’s head side-to-side, before it started toppling over. In a flash, the creature had vanished.
“Whew…” Neptune breathed. “That was rough.”
“You were wonderful Nepgear.” Said Vert.
“Thanks! You weren’t bad either Vert.” Said Nepgear, smiling warmly at Vert.
Neptune groaned loudly. “And what about me? The protagonist? Any words of encouragement for me?”
Broccoli was about to say something, when she felt a droplet strike her head. “I think it’s starting to rain, nyu.” Broccoli said.
“Oh great…” Nepgear said, holding out her hand in time to catch a few droplets herself.
“We need to find shelter.” Said Vert.
Broccoli winced in pain and felt a bit dizzy when she felt a memory return to her. “Not to worry, nyu.” Said Broccoli, as she leapt onto Gema. “Broccoli knows a great place for us to rest, nyu.”
Neptune, Nepgear and Vert followed Broccoli as she lead the girls down the mountain trail and soon they were making their way through a small grove of trees. After several moments of walking, the girls were starting to wonder if Broccoli actually knew a place where they could take shelter.
“Broccoli? Are you sure were going in the right direction?” Nepgear asked.
“How rude. Broccoli knows where she’s going.” Broccoli said, feeling a tinge of annoyance.
A few moments later the girls found themselves standing outside a cabin. The cabin wasn’t very big, but it looked like it was well maintained. “Here it is, nyu.” Broccoli said.
“Hold on a minute!” Neptune said, pointing sternly at the cabin. “You knew this place were here, but you didn’t tell us about it?”
“That’s right, nyu.” Said Broccoli. “Broccoli didn’t think you’d want to stop here considering the Fairy Tower was so close and by the time we reached it, it was too dark to come back down the mountain.”
“Well… Yeah.” Neptune said, not wanting to admit that Broccoli made a good point.
“You’ve been here before Broccoli?” Vert asked.
“Yes, nyu.” Said Broccoli. “A friend of mine lives here, nyu.” Broccoli didn’t waste any time as she made her way to the front door of the cabin. She was closely followed by Neptune and the others. “Knock, knock, nyu.” Broccoli said, knocking on the front door of the cabin.
“Is that Broccoli?” Came a voice. The cabin door opened and a cute girl appeared. The girl was garbed in a white outfit and she carried two katana on her left hip. “Oh!” The girl said, surprised to see more than just one catgirl on the other side of her door. “Hi Broccoli!”
“Hello, nyu.” Broccoli said, holding up her right hand as she spoke. “Broccoli is here with friends, nyu. Please let us take advantage of your roof, nyu.”
“Of course. Come on in!” The girl said, standing aside so everyone could enter.
Once the girls were inside, Neptune could see what the inside of the cabin looked like. The cabin was wide open. A small kotatsu was located in the middle of the room. A small kitchen was located towards the back and several tatami mats were on the floor.
“Everyone. This is MarvelousAQL, nyu.” Broccoli said.
“Nice to meet you.” MarvelousAQL said, bowing to the girls. “Please. Call me Marvy.”
“Howdy Marvy! My names Neptune!” Neptune said, saluting. Neptune pointed towards each girl and introduced them. “Thanks for letting us in. I wasn’t sure what we were going to do if it really started raining.” Just as the words left Neptune’s mouth, rain started pouring down, striking the roof and windows of the cabin.
“Nice timing.” Said Marvy. “Anyways, let me fix everyone some tea.”
“Oh please. We don’t want to put you out anymore than we already are.” Nepgear said, holding up her hands.
“No trouble at all. I was going to make myself some tea anyways.” Said Marvy. “Call it an old ninja’s intuition, but I had a feeling that today was a stay inside kind of day.”
“You’re a ninjer Marvy? That’s awesome!” Neptune said, giggling. “I bet you could teach me a few things when it comes to a sword.”
“Maybe.” Marvy said, as she headed towards the kitchen to fix some tea. “Please make yourselves at home. I have the kotatsu out all year long. It’s not really chilly, but I still like it.”
“Nice.” Said Neptune, as she took a seat at the kotatsu. “Nepgear always makes me put the kotatsu away, even before it get’s warm.” Said Neptune.
With those words Neptune and Nepgear suddenly felt a pain between their eyebrows and the girls felt dizzy as well. “Oh man… Big sister…” Nepgear said, closing her eyes tightly.
“Yeah. Sorry.” Neptune said, wincing in pain.
“Are you two okay? Did you remember something?” Asked Vert.
“Yeah. It was a nice and painful memory.” Neptune said, after the pain had disappeared. Neptune suddenly leaned back against the floor and spread her arms out.
Nepgear took a seat at the kotatsu and soon were joined by Vert and Broccoli. “Broccoli loves the kotatsu.” The catgirl said. Instead of sitting at the kotatsu, Broccoli laid down on the pillow and pulled the blanket over her. Soon Broccoli had fallen fast asleep.
“Broccoli is so adorable.” Vert said, eyeing the small catgirl closely.
“Broccoli and I have known each other for a while.” Said Marvy. “The funny thing is, I only just remembered her a little while ago.” Marvy turned holding a kettle and a tray filled with cups. Before taking a seat, Marvy glanced down at Broccoli and smiled. “That’s how I remember her. Sleeping like that.”
After that, Marvy took a seat at the table and began pouring everyone a cup of tea. Once everyone was served, they began drinking the hot liquid while listening to the sound of rain continue to pound against the roof.
“So with that said. I would like to join you four on your adventure.” Marvy said.
“Whoa… hold on.” Neptune said, surprised. “First off do you have any pudding? Secondly, what about video games? Third how did you know were on a journey?”
“To answer your first two questions. Yes.” Marvy said, nodding. “As for your third question. It’s because of the Fairy Tower. I saw that it wasn’t operational a few months ago. So I figured you came by to activate it. Correct?”
“You are beyond keen lady.” Neptune said.
“You’re right.” Said Nepgear. “I’m really impressed with you Marvy.” Said Nepgear.
“Thanks, but I’m not all that impressive. I was honestly just guessing there a second ago.” Marvy admitted.
“Still. You are correct. Do you know what happened to the Fairy Towers?” Asked Vert.
Marvy shook her head. “No, but I have a feeling I used to use it quite often. I mean, why else would I build a cabin all the way out here? No doubt I was doing a lot of ninja training out here.”
Neptune crossed her arms in front of her chest and nodded several times. “Yes. I agree.”
“Don’t act like you were thinking the same thing, Neptune.” Nepgear said.
“Yeah. You got me.” Said Neptune, rubbing the back of her head and giggling. “But real talk Marvy. Where’s that pudding? Where’s the video games and our journey is pretty dangerous.”
“She’s right.” Nepgear said. “We actually just fought a Fenrir Wolf and my sister was recently poisoned by a cult leader! And that’s just what happened on Leanbox. Lastation and Planeptune had other close calls as well.”
Marvy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “That’s alright.” She began, slowly opening her eyes. “I’m a ninja. Living the life of a ninja isn’t easy either, but I won’t shy away from it either. I’ve faced many hardships while training both my mind and body. Please. Let me join you and show you what I can do.”
“Wow.” Neptune said, smiling warmly at Marvy. “All I can say is. Where’s that pudding I asked for? And those video games?”
Marvy burst into laughter as she got to her feet. “Alright Neptune!” The girl said, as she turned towards a small refrigerator.
“I’m sorry about my sister.” Nepgear said, blushing heavily.
“No. It’s okay.” Marvy said. “I can tell it’s going to be fun traveling with you.”
“Well… I certainly don’t mind you joining us.” Said Vert.
“Me neither.” Said Nepgear.
“Well I don’t know, I’m starting to doubt-” Neptune began, but the moment she saw Marvy pull out a pudding she quickly changed her tune. “-that we’d have anything to worry about if Marvy joined us!”
“Thanks!” Marvy said, as she handed the pudding over to Neptune. “I’m honored to join your party!”
A few hours later the rain finally stopped. It still looked stormy outside, but the girls decided to start back out on their journey. Nepgear stepped outside and looked up at the clouds. She wondered how long it would be until it started raining once more. “I hope we can get to some shelter before it starts raining again.”
“Are you sure you want to leave right now Marvy?” Asked Neptune.
“I’m sure.” Marvy said, smiling brightly.
“I’m staying, nyu.” Said Broccoli, who was still lying underneath the kotatsu.
“Huh?” Everyone, except Marvy, said.
“Broccoli wants to enjoy the kotatsu more, nyu.” Broccoli said, nuzzling up to her pillow.
“I don’t think Marvy’s going to like that.” Nepgear said.
“Oh, I don’t mind. Broccoli? You make yourself at home. I promise I’ll keep an eye out for everyone.” Said Marvy.
“Thanks, nyu.” Broccoli said, before falling asleep.
Neptune, Nepgear and Vert didn’t say anything. All they could do was watch Broccoli sleep peacefully underneath the kotatsu. “Funny. I’m not really surprised by this.” Nepgear said.
“Broccoli’s more irresponsible than me!” Neptune announced.
“Not even close.” Broccoli, Vert and Nepgear all chimed in. Broccoli soon fell asleep once more.
“Curses!” Neptune cried. “Well… Thanks for everything Broccoli?” Neptune said, smiling brightly. “We’ll see you later!” And with those words, the three girls said their farewells to Broccoli before continuing their journey while Marvy just started her journey with them.
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Friday, March 10, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 69
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
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Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
There was no sound or light. Nothing seemed to reach the strange abyss. A young girl stood in the middle of this abyss, a vacant look in he...
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