As Neptune, Nepgear, Vert and Marvy stepped outside the girls were finally able to get a better look at the village. Now that it was daylight the girls could see that the village was in rough shape. Several buildings were boarded up, the cobble stone streets were in disrepair and there were hardly any people outside.
Across the street several children were playing in the vacant lot that the man told them they could sleep in. “This town looks a bit shoddy, huh?” Neptune said.
“Shh!” Nepgear said, holding up her index finger to her lips. “Sister. You’re being rude.”
“Sorry dorry Nepgear.” Neptune said.
“Do you think the monsters that man wants us to hunt are the cause of this?” Marvy asked, as she took the entire village in.
“Maybe…” Nepgear said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Wait…” Vert said, grabbing everyone’s attention. “I didn’t think about this before, but the Obese Dogoo is actually native to the Halo Mountain.”
“Really? I don’t think we saw any out there.” Said Marvy.
“We didn’t. I think I would have remembered seeing one of those.” Neptune said, remembering the last time she and Nepgear fought a giant Dogoo.
“Do you think that might be it?” Nepgear asked.
Vert slowly shook her head. “Honestly it’s hard to tell. Monsters leaving their habitats aren’t exactly unusual.”
“That’s true. I remember Noire, Linda and I fought a whole flock of Horsebirds in Lastation.” Said Neptune, smiling proudly.
“So were taking this job, right?” Marvy asked.
Neptune nodded. “You betcha! Never miss an opportunity to show off!” Neptune said.
“Great. That’s what I told Jane.” Said Marvy. “So who should we go after first?”
“Might as well start from the top of the list.” Nepgear suggested.
“So the Obese Dogoo, right? Looks like it’s hanging out in a plain nearby.” Said Vert. “Let’s start with that one.”
With that out of the way, the girls started making their way out of the small village. Nepgear helped guide them to the first monster on the list. As the girls walked, Nepgear couldn’t help, but think about the monsters they were asked to hunt down. “Obese Dogoo, Cat Squirrel Rider, Pollux, Land Whale and a Regulus.” Nepgear thought to herself.
“What’s wrong Nepgear?” Vert asked.
Nepgear shook her head. “Nothing. I just think this is a bit strange. The monsters that guy asked us to hunt are random.”
“That’s true.” Said Vert. “They also don’t seem to be getting in anyone’s way either.”
“Exactly.” Said Nepgear.
“Ooh I got it!” Neptune said. “What if this guy is trying to perform some kind of ritual and he needs the blood of strong monsters in order to pull it off!”
“That’s scary.” Marvy said.
“Yeah… I doubt it.” Nepgear said.
“Yeah well you never know.” Said Neptune.
The girls kept walking until they spotted the Obese Dogoo. The large creature was sitting perfectly still. The creature’s eyes were closed and it looked as though it were sound asleep. “There it is.” Nepgear said, as she summoned her energy sword.
“Nepgear?” Marvy began. “Don’t worry about it. Let me take care of this monster.” Said Marvy.
“Are you sure?” Nepgear asked. Marvy smiled and nodded. “Alright. Good luck. Let us know if you need help.” Nepgear said, as she got out of Marvy’s way.
Marvy took a few steps forwards before she unsheathed her katana. After that she began running as fast as she could at the giant Obese Dogoo. At first the creature continued to sleep soundly, but soon the creature opened it’s eyes and launched it’s large body at the girl.
Marvy took several more steps forwards, before she suddenly dodged out of the way and swung her katana. The blade sliced through the creature’s right side, causing the Obese Dogoo’s body to tremble with pain. The creature roared, as it turned it’s gelatinous body towards Marvy, who had skidded to a halt.
The giant dogoo suddenly leapt high into the air, which nearly caught Marvy off guard. “Wasn’t expecting that.” Marvy thought, as she leapt forwards and started rolling across the ground.
The Obese Dogoo slammed into the ground, which knocked dirt and debris into the air, but it’s massive body missed Marvy by mere inches. Once Marvy had rolled away from the creature, she leapt to her feet and twirled around on her heels. Marvy swung her sword once more, cutting into the dogoo.
“Wow!” Nepgear said, her eyes sparkled with delight. “Marvy is amazing!”
“She sure is!” Neptune said, smiling proudly.
“Why are you acting cocky Neptune?” Vert asked.
“Cause Marvy is my friend. Also she’s doing awesome and I’m getting pumped up!” Neptune said, throwing her hands into the air. “GET IT MARVY! SHOW THAT OVERSIZED DOGOO WHO’S BOSS!”
“RIGHT!” Marvy cried, as she leapt high into the air and brought her katana down hard and fast.
Marvy’s sword turned into a silvery flash of light which cut through the Obese Dogoo, cutting the creature cleanly in two. Just as the two pieces of the Obese Dogoo were about to split open, the massive creature vanished in a flash of light.
“You did it!” Neptune cheered.
“Congratulations!” Said Nepgear.
“Great work!” Said Vert.
Marvy smiled brightly. “Thanks! I was starting to feel a bit rusty with my katana, but now I’m feeling much better.” Said Marvy, as she sheathed her weapon.
“Well that’s one monster dealt with. Do you want to go after another one, or head back to the village?” Asked Nepgear.
“Where’s the next one located?” Neptune asked, placing her hands on her hips.
“It’s located a few miles away from here.” Said Nepgear, pointing towards the south.
“I say we head back to the village.” Said Neptune, sighing deeply. “I kind of want to talk to that old guy again.”
Neptune led the charge back the village. Even though Neptune didn’t say anything, Nepgear had a feeling she knew exactly what Neptune wanted to do. Once the girls reached the village, Neptune headed back to the restaurant.
“Hi Jane.” Neptune said, parking herself behind the counter. “Is your dad still taking a nap?” She asked.
“He is. He’ll probably be asleep for a few more hours.” Said Jane.
Vert took a seat next Neptune. “Is your father the only one who patrols this village?”
“He is. We used to have a few other security officers who worked here, but they moved.” Said Jane. “My father used to be friendlier, but now he’s kind of grouchy.”
“That stinks, but work can do that to you.” Neptune said. “I used to be nice too, but after Nepgear started cracking the whip…”
“Hey!” Nepgear said, annoyed.
“Sorry boss!” Neptune cried, before bursting into laughter.
Jane giggled as well. “I can tell you two are close.”
“Yep!” Neptune said, turning to Nepgear and winking. Nepgear couldn’t help, but smile. Neptune turned back to Jane and suddenly sighed deeply. “Anyways. I wanted to ask your dad about something, but I don’t want to wake him up. I know how important naps are.” And with that, Neptune stood. “Should we get going then?”
“Yeah. I think the Cat Squirrel Rider is pretty close by.” Said Nepgear.
“Oh!” Neptune said, suddenly remembering something. Neptune turned to Jane. “Jane. Sorry to bother you, but was this village attacked by monsters or something?”
Jane slowly shook her head. “No. Nothing like that. This town’s just going through some rough times right now. We used to have people living here who would take care of the repairs, but they‘re gone now.”
“I see…” Neptune said, her shoulders sagged. “Sorry about that.” The girl said, scratching the back of her head. “We’ll get going now.”
“Right. Be careful out there. Oh and when you get back I’ll treat you to a yummy dinner!” Said Jane.
“Really? Wow! Now I really hope we come back alive!” Said Neptune, licking her lips. “We’ll see you soon!” Neptune said.
The four girls headed back outside the village. Nepgear once again, led the charge to their next target. After a few moments of walking, the girls found themselves standing outside a grove of trees. “It’s in there.” Nepgear said, turning off her N-Gear and sliding it back into it’s holster.
“Awesome.” Neptune said, as she summoned her katana. “Let’s get going girls!” Neptune said, as she charged into the grove of trees, not waiting for anyone to follow after her.
“Huh… She must be eager to get this over with.” Marvy said.
A loud scream caught everyone off guard. A moment later Neptune ran back out of the grove of trees, she was closely followed by several Cat Squirrel Rider monsters chasing after her. The Cat Squirrel Rider monsters were simply cat monsters who carried lances in their paws while riding Horsebirds.
“HELP ME! HELP ME!” Neptune cried.
“Come on ladies!” Vert said, as she summoned her spear, while Marvy unsheathed her katana. After that all three girls picked a target and attacked.
Vert reached her target first and lashed out with her spear. The Cat Squirrel Rider turned quickly, but before it could do anything, the head of Vert’s spear pierced it’s chest killing it instantly.
Nepgear reached her target second and swung her sword, but the Cat Squirrel Rider moved it’s lance in front of it, blocking the attack. The cat meowed loudly as it swung it’s lance at Nepgear, forcing the girl to leap backwards. Once the lance moved past the cat, exposing it’s body, Nepgear leapt at the creature again and sliced through it and the Horsebird. With a bright flash of light the creature vanished.
Marvy reached her target third. The Cat Squirrel Rider turned and swung it’s lance at the girl, but Marvy avoided the attack by leaping over the creature. She twisted her body in midair and was now looking down at the monster. Raising her katana over her head, she brought it down fast, cutting the creature in two. By the time Marvy’s feet touched the ground, the monster had vanished.
Finally Neptune was able to turn her attention towards the forth Cat Squirrel Rider. She skidded to a halt, before leaping at the monster and swinging her katana. Even though the Cat Squirrel Rider tried to defend itself, Neptune’s attack was too powerful and she knocked the cat monster off the Horsebird. A moment later it too vanished in a flash of light.
Neptune took a deep breath. “Well that was embarrassing.” Neptune said, blushing heavily and scratching the back of her head in embarrassment. “Sorry about that.” Neptune said, in a small voice.
“As long as you’re okay.” Nepgear said, smiling at her sister. “Well were done here.”
“Done?” Neptune said. “We overworked ourselves this time!” Said Neptune. “We should get two, no three extra servings of pudding tonight.”
“Let’s not get greedy sister.” Said Nepgear, making her way over to her sister. “Come on. Let’s go back.”
By the time Neptune and the other girls reached the restaurant, the man was heading out garbed in his usual armor. “You’re back. How’d it go?” The man asked.
“Great.” Said Neptune. “We killed an Obese Dogoo and four Cat Squirrel Rider monsters.”
“Well why did you kill four? You just had to kill one.” Said the man, gruffly.
“No, no. That’s not the right attitude.” Neptune said, crossing her arms in front of her. “Why are we hunting these monsters, exactly? How are they bothering you and this town?”
The man looked at each girl. “You wouldn’t understand.” He said. “You have three more monsters to hunt. Are you going to finish today, or what?” He demanded.
“We’ll probably finish tomorrow, maybe the day after.” Said Vert.
“Good.” And with that, the man turned to leave.
“Excuse me sir.” Vert said, taking a step towards the man. “We made a deal, didn’t we?”
“Yeah?” The man said, glancing over his shoulder at Vert.
“We hunt five monsters, you give us a room? Correct?” Said Vert.
“Yeah?” Said the man.
“Except, you’re not really giving us a room, are you? It’s your daughter. Correct?” Said Vert.
The man hesitated for a few moments. “What about it?” He asked.
“Well. My point is this. Our deal isn’t being honored by you, so maybe you shouldn’t treat my friends and I like garbage.” Said Vert, she wore a smile the entire time she spoke.
The man looked like he was about to turn to face her, but quickly changed his mind. “Right.” He said, quickly walking away.
Nepgear, Neptune and Marvy wore terrified looks on their faces. Even though Vert had been smiling the entire time, they felt venom coming from Vert’s voice. The girls knew the man had nearly pushed Vert to her limits.
“Well… I believe I set him straight.” Said Vert, giggling.
Neptune blinked her eyes several times before she sighed deeply. “Yeesh. That guy is making Noire seem friendly.”
“Noire is friendly.” Nepgear said, in a low voice.
“Let’s go inside and eat, shall we?” Said Marvy.
“Sounds good to me. Pudding please!” Neptune said, after she opened the door to the restaurant.
Jane was cooking behind the counter, but she turned and smiled warmly at the girls. “Welcome back! Dinner will be ready soon!”
Welcome to my blog!
Update 3/27/2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that starting the 1st of April that 'Neptunia Heart Soul' will be wrapping up it's first arc! Questions will be answered, loose ends will be tied up, Neptune and Nepgear will be going back home!
I have to be honest. This trip has been really long and exhausting. Not only for Neptune and Nepgear, but also for myself.
To be honest. It's been hard trying to figure out different ways to keep going. There were times since I started writing this story, that I sat down and decided this would be the final chapter. However, something kept me going.
Now that I'm nearing the end, I'm really excited to see what happens next and I hope you are too! When the 30th of April roles around, I hope I'm posting the final chapter of "Neptunia Heart Souls'!
We'll talk about the next arc later.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 74
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Neptunia Heart Souls- CHAPTER 104 (Final Chapter)
When Noire heard that Neptune had an idea, she wasn’t expecting this. Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc had changed into their goddess forms a...
Blanc closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long day of working, the goddess had finally reached a moment where she could take a...
Neptune woke up early that morning. The sun was shining brightly through the partially closed curtains and the sounds of birds chirping cou...
There was no sound or light. Nothing seemed to reach the strange abyss. A young girl stood in the middle of this abyss, a vacant look in he...
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